"Thanks for taking care of me last night, I know I was-"

"Did you love Russell?"

"No! It was never that. It was just sex."

"Yeah, I can understand that," he said then got up. "That's what I feel you want me for. Sex, nothing more. I don't think you can even feel love for a person, you sure the fuck don't know how to show it."

She rubbed her head, trying not to cry from his words.

He paced the floor angrily, then stopped and looked her way. "Is this shit payback for Shareefa and the baby? You want to hurt me like I hurt you. You fuck with somebody else."

"No, I didn't...it just happened, we kissed, that's all Hook. He wanted more, I told him no and to leave and that I was in love with you and that's it." She had to convince him somehow she was telling the truth. She never lied. She simply told him what he needed to hear and omitted the truth when he did not need to hear it. When he asked what happened, she told him. She could have lied and said nothing happened. Maybe she should have lied.

"I don't believe you because I can't trust you."

She rubbed away a tear. He really knew how to hurt her. "I'm telling you the truth. I don't want him, I want you."

"What about the money?"

"What money?"

"He said something about the money you got from Matthew. Did you?"

"Yes." Now he was asking about things he should not be asking about. Matthew left her with a combined three point five million dollars that her father refused to give away. What was she going to do with all that money? She sure as heck did not think to tell Hook about it.

"And you weren't going to tell me?"

"Because Hook, that money is not your concern. I don't even want the money but my father-"

Hook threw up his hands. "That mother fucker left you millions, and here I am can't scrape two pennies to get by. Angel, why do you even need me?"

She got up and walked to him. "I'm not with you because of what you have Hook."

"Why are you with me? Oh wait, good dick? I mean, you're bragging about it to your sister and best friend like that's the only thing I'm good for."

Did she? She did not remember that.

"You're just taking whatever I said out of context. I was drunk last night, we all were. You're more than just sex, you...you're a good guy Hook. You treat me well. You are a great father. You are caring and thoughtful, sensitive...those are all the great things I love about you."

He did not say anything, just let out a sigh and rubbed his head. They stood there looking at each other for a while. He looked down at the floor.

"Well, I don't know if I love you anymore."

Her heart stopped beating for a second. "You don't mean that."

"I do," he said, looking back up at her. "Can you get dressed and leave?"

"Hook, don't do this, okay. We're talking, let's just talk it out."

"We keep talking in circles babe and keep hurting each other, you said it yourself. We're fucked up people and we can't make this shit work. I'm done trying."

She wiped away a tear. "Hook, I love you."

"That ain't enough Angel."

"Yes, it is!" She grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "I'm telling you how I feel. I want to work this out. What do I need to do? I'll do it Hook. Please."

She felt him soften and squeeze her back.

"Tell me you still love me Hook," she said, kissing his neck. "Tell me you still want me."

"Angel..." He pulled her mouth to his and kissed her fiercely. He grabbed her ass and sat her on top of his dining room table while he grinded on her. She did not want his kisses to stop.

"I need you Hook," she said, between kisses, her hands going into his shorts.

He roughly grabbed her hands and pulled away from her.

"No, we're not doing this!" He wiped his mouth of her kisses. "Get fucking dressed and leave Angel. I'm serious."

She walked away and back into the bedroom, wiping away tears from her face. She did not know what to say to convince him to change his mind. He hated her right now. Was it because of Russell? Or the money? Or was it something else? Whatever it was, he was hurt. There would be no changing his mind, not right now.

She dressed in whatever clothes she could find, then headed back out of the room. Hook was in the kitchen. If he would not face her like a man and just let her walk away, maybe he was not worth the tears. She grabbed her purse, keys, and phone and headed for the door. She did not even glance back at him, she made her way to her car.

She cried so hard she could not drive away for twenty minutes.

A/N: So that's it? It's over! 😔

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