Ch. 4

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I propped myself up on my elbows and glanced around. Everyone was still sleeping, and the room looked untouched. Me, being the clumsy freak I am, moved over to get up and fell smack onto my back on the floor. I held the back of my head, groaning, and sat up. Everyone was still asleep, thank God. Just to do the boys a favor, I gathered up all the bottles of sanity potion and Laudinum and placed them in one pocket of Dan's backpack that I found on the floor, and placed all of the oil and tinderboxes in the other.

When I finished, I decided to have a good look around the room. Everything was empty, all the drawers and things. But when I opened the closet, I found six piles of folded clothes and a note. It read:

Dear who ever has found this note,

Good morning, I hope you and the others have slept well. Here are some clean clothes there is food and a bathroom waiting for you at the end of this hallway, I do suggest you take a shower as to I am not sure when you will find the next bathroom. Please do not try to find me, and I am keeping you in good shape for a reson. Goodbye for now.

The Master

I frowned, so the sicko who put us here is called 'The Master'. How pleasent. I picked up the pile of clothes I guessed were mine, and looked at them. The outfit consisted of a dark purple tight t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a black tank top. 'Well at least he gave a shirt this time.' I thought, rolling my eyes.

I changed quickly, and these idiots were STILL sleeping. 'Wonderful, I'll have to wake them up.' I first crouched down beside the bed I slept in last night, and sat on Toby. He, shot awake and threw me to the floor. I stood and rubbed my butt.

"Owch." Toby frowned.

"Why did you sit on me? I was dreaming!" He fake pouted, and I laughed loudly.

"Because it's time to get up, you have new clothes." I pointed to the closet. "I'll wake up the others." he nodded and got up. I moved over to the other bed, where Ryan slept. I crawled into the bed, and put my face right in front of his.

"Ryaaann. Time to get up.." I poked him, but he kept on snoozing away.

"So HE gets a plesant wake up call?" Toby chuckled, stepping out of the empty closet he was changing in. I turned and grinned.

"Yup, I'll wake you up nicely next time." I turned back to Ryan, poking his arm harder.

"Ryyyaann come on.." He groaned a bit, opening his eyes.

"Morning Delilah." He smirked, jabbing a finger against my forehead. I grabbed his wrist.

"Good morning, your new clothes are in the closet. You have very sexy bedhair by the way." I gave him a crooked smile and ruffled his hair goofily.

"Oh, trust me, I know." Ryan replied. I slapped his arm and headed across the room. I was wishing that he'd take off his mask, so I could read his expression. But I'd only just met him, and didn't want him to get all mad at me. I didn't want any of the boys to think of me as a bigger freak than they probably already did.

Once everyone was awake, I handed the letter to Phil to read and then pass around. While the note was being passed from Ryan to Dan, I suddenly had a genius idea.

"I call getting to use the bathroom first!" The boys all groaned, while I smirked evilly.

As the boys sorted through the clothes, picking out what was meant for who, I slipped out of the room. I had my lantern with me, and a bit of oil, but I didn't even need it, really.

For some reason, there were skylights in the ceiling. Skylights that I was sure hadn't been there the night before. The sun shone through them, and made bright squares of light on the cobblestone floor.

I crept down the hall, looking in all the shadows. I told myself I was being paranoid, but I couldn't help but feel like I heard a second set of footsteps besides my own, echoing through the drafty corridor.

I came to a red door, and nudged it open lightly with my toe. It swung inward, and revealed a ancient looking bathroom. It was clean, though, and functioning, so I closed the door tightly behind me.

There was a shower, so I took a shower as 'The Master' instructed. The tub was very ornate, with a gold faucet, and brass knobs and trim. All was calm and peaceful, and I actually kind of enjoyed my relaxing shower.

When I got out, I pulled back on the clothes that 'The Master' had given me. I walked up to the mirror and fixed my hair as best as I could, then went over to the sink and washed my face.

As I was drying my face with a cloth, I heard a noise in the hall. I held my breath, and peeked through a crack in the door. A bro was shuffling down the hall, grumbling as it did so. I bit my lip hard, and hoped the boys were safe.

As soon as the bro disappeared around the corner, summoning all the courage and bravery I had inside me, I went running back towards the room we'd stayed in. The light coming in through the skylights was much duller now, and the corridor was only dimly lit. I flew to our door at top speed, and flung it open. As soon as I was inside, I slammed it behind me.

It seemed that all the boys were raising a brow in question, except for Ryan of course, but I just shook my head.

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