Chapter thirty-two

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"My parents, my family in general, yeah. I know I've told you over and over I don't want you going near them. That's just because I know what they will do. But I realized I can't hide you from them forever, as much I want to protect you. I'm proud of you, and I don't care what they say."

He smiled and hugged me.

"But-" I said pulling away from him. "If you do feel uncomfortable, at any point, we need a code word."

"A code word?" He laughed.

"Yes, something that could easily fit into a conversation. Hmmm but what?"

After talking for a while we settled for trees. It was the best we both could come up with, sadly. With two very creative people, it was a sad code word.

"Another thing, you've met two of my brothers, not Tom. He is the one I'm most worried about how he will react to you. Well out of my siblings anyway. I will protect you the best I can from my family but I don't know what will happen."

"It's like we are going into a war zone." He chuckled.

 "Well get used to it. There's always some drama going on with the Jackson family, and if there isn't, they will make something."

I took his hand in mine. 

"I just don't want you to get hurt. I've wanted to keep you away from my family for so long. It's not that I'm hiding you from them because I'm ashamed of you. Gosh no. They just don't deserve to meet you."

He smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss me. I gladly accepted it. It was a gentle, slow, soft kiss. I felt like I was melting by the time he broke us apart.

"I will be there whenever you need me, no matter what, you shouldn't have to deal with this alone."

I smiled again.

"I love you," I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you too." 

I leaned up to kiss him again, soon it felt as if we were the only ones in the world. I always loved when he made it feel like that.

John and I took Friday off the next week, off school, our jobs everything. The wedding was happening in the city where my brother currently lived. It was a decent sized city, so there should be stuff for John and I to do. 

 Every second closer we got to seeing my parents my nerves got worse. I was sitting there in the passenger seat, bouncing my leg like a crazy person.

"Nina are you all right?" He asked turning away from the road to look at me for a second.

"Honestly... no."

He sighed.

"What can I do to make it better? You want a Deaky hug?" 

I nodded and he chuckled. He pulled over on the side of the road and we got out of the car. I ran into his arms and held on tightly.

"It's going to be all right. I promise." 

I nodded into his chest. I held on to him for a little bit. But finally I decided we had to get back in the car at some point, so we did just that.

I could see the city coming into view. It wasn't as big as London, not by a long shot, but it still was a decent size. 

"So where are we going first? The hotel?"

"Yeah, it's the hotel the wedding is happening at, so my parents are staying there too." I sighed. "But I had to stay there because that's where most of the braidsmaids are staying."

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