7• I will marry you

Start from the beginning

"I was never afraid of the public." Said the blue-eyed man beside me. He sounded calm but his face showed clear signs of being troubled.

"That's not the point!" I shrieked. "I thought we had to escape this marriage situation and you literally just-"

"Okay. So you definitely haven't seen the news, have you?" He asked. I blankly stared at him because I sure had no idea about what he was talking about.

"Google my name." He sighed before saying. I did as asked.



Do you know how it feels when the ceiling breaks down on your head?

Or the feeling of the ground being pulled off from under your feet.

That was exactly what I was experiencing when Google showed me the results. I stared at the screen with my mouth wide open. Thousands of thoughts running in my mind. My face was clearly visible in the pictures and a feeling of fear filled in me.

So this was what the girl in the restaurant was talking about. I felt humiliated even though there was nothing wrong. I could feel my life crashing down as I put the phone away and stared outside the window, hiding the tears in my eyes.

I heard a soft sigh and the car was pulled over at a corner.

"Crystal." I heard him calling my name. It was the first time he took my name. When I didn't respond, he held my hand that was on my thigh and tugged on it making me look towards him.

"Hey. Listen to me." My teary eyes met his troubled blue ones. "I know all this is too much and too difficult for you to handle. But you see, we have to face it. Running away isn't an option anymore." I looked away at his confrontation. I knew he was right but it wasn't easy for me to accept it.

"Do we really have to marry each other? I mean-" My voice cracked as I spoke.

"Crystal, I found this to be the only way to deal with this. Your identity was exposed, it wouldn't have ended well if we did not take an immediate action. You saw what happened at the restaurant. And besides, this was necessary to help me save my reputation." I gave no reply while he continued speaking.

"Believe it or not Crystal, this marriage will bring good to both of us. As Dad promised, you will be freed from your debts and will not have to face any humiliation. I on the other hand will inherit the business without any spot on my reputation. It's a win-win, Crystal."

I thought about everything he said and concluded that maybe it could actually benefit us both in some or the other way. Analyzing the pros and cons in my head, I declared my decision.

"Fine. I'm ready to marry you." He passed me a stern nod as I said that monotonously. I had always imagined a handsome, hot guy, the love of my life would propose to me in the most romantic way possible.

Well, Handsome? Check! Hot? Check! Prince Charming? Check! Proposed to me? Check! Romantic?.... Love of my life?......

Jokes on me.

According to him, going to his office wouldn't be a good idea so he said he was driving us to his parents' house to discuss the plans further.

"You should talk to your parents too. Explain to them about the situation. I hope they will not oppose it."

"Don't worry about them. They passed away years ago. I live alone in Brooklyn." I informed him.

"I'm sorry." He stayed silent for the rest of the drive.

Talking about family, I remembered I had a best friend who would skin me alive after finding out the truth. She would be very disappointed and upset and convincing her would be a very difficult task.

Adrien slowed the car in front of a large gate that opened automatically and drove further towards a huge bungalow. My jaw dropped open as my eyes fell on the mansion surrounded by a refreshing green garden.

He pulled over and a man came running towards the door on his side but he signed him towards me and helped himself. Before I could gather my stuff and open the door, the middle aged man did it for me and I thanked him for it. Adrien gave the car keys to him and asked if his Dad had arrived to which the man replied 'yes'.

He led me and as I walked further inside the mansion, it was getting harder to not exclaim about the beauty. They sure had a great eye for interiors. We walked inside to a large living room where two people, a known man and an unfamiliar woman, sat on the big couch.

"Dad, Mom." Adrien called out for them and they noticed our arrival. They stood up with a smile as Adrien hugged them one by one while I stood there awkwardly.

"Hello, Ms. Hayes. Welcome." Mr. Russell acknowledged my presence and I gave him a small smile while shaking hands. "Hello. Mr. Russell."

"Meet my wife, Dorine." Mr. Russell introduced me to a beautiful woman with ocean blue eyes, just like her son, who came forward. "Hello, Crystal." She smiled at me and I mirrored it.

"Hello, Mrs. Russell. Nice to meet you."

We sat on the couch and had a long, very long discussion on how everything would fall in place. In the end it was concluded that since Adrien had already publicly announced me as his fiancé, they would release an official statement about our marriage which will take place within five days. The wedding would be simple with close relatives and friends along with the media department of the company. To my relief, no paparazzi would be allowed. We also decided to have a contract in which points like our deal being confidential, the Russells paying my debt and us not trying to break the marriage for at least one year, were clearly stated. Adrien and I had to act like a couple crazy in love for the public. After Adrien takes over the business, I would have to accompany him as his wife to his business parties. I could find myself a job in Manhattan if I wanted to but only after we were out of the limelight. Etc. etc. etc.

Satisfied with all of the conditions, we both agreed on proceeding with the plan further. I had grown to like Mrs. Russell because of her politeness and understanding. To be honest, I was afraid that she would hate me for barging into her son's life and almost ruining it, any mother would. But thankfully she was very understanding and accepted the situation with positivity.

Giving them my regards, I called a cab and left Russell's mansion. Adrien insisted on dropping me but I declined. Just like we had predicted, the news of me being Adrien's fiancé spread like wildfire . My first priority was to go back to Brooklyn and pack up things there. I first went to Johnathan's to get all of my luggage but I was scared. What if they had read the news and judged me for it.

Fiddling with the handles of my bag, I took slow steps towards the door of their house. I rang the doorbell, praying to be welcomed by them in the same way as I had always been. The door clicked open and all the color drained out of my face.

"Welcome back, traitor." Said the one I didn't want to see for some time.

Hannah Sanders.

Russell's Mansion

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Russell's Mansion


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