"Well, thank God," the brunet said sarcastically with a bit of a slur. "I don't think you could even keep up with me in bed anyways."

"I'm going to ignore the fact you're trying to hurt my feelings because I'm a dumbass who can't stop trying to help people," Noah commented in a tired voice as he took away even more of Mirren's drinks.

Mirren watched the dark haired student grab hold of the glass he was currently drinking from with the intentions of taking it away. The jaguar beastman sneered, wanting to snap at the male even more.

Noah ignored it though and kept taking the drinks away one by one as Mirren continued to give him verbal abuse. If Noah was being honest to himself, he didn't understand how Niven could put up with such a guy like Mirren. Everyone in the academy knew how much of a temper the brunet had, almost rivaling Arien's.

Mirren hardly paid attention to anything and was too lazy to even deal with the councilmen. The brunet was more focused with other affairs such as hooking up with random students and a couple of teachers who were later fired by the vice-principal. And even though Mirren caused problems, they really couldn't go up against the male due to several reasons.

That was because of Mirren's abilities and the fact he was backed up by Remiah Westworth even if they were just family on paper.

If Noah had to judge who was the most trouble, he'd have to admit was Mirren. While Silas and Agustine hurt people, it wasn't like it was intentional so Noah never hated or disliked the D'imperio Brothers. But Mirren always did things with bad intentions, and even if he didn't, the outcome was always horrible so Noah had to sometimes help up clean the jaguar beastman's mistakes.

Noah muttered, "I don't understand why Niven's with you... you're such a mess."

Mirren slammed a hand on the table, almost alerting all of the other people standing around the two students. His ocean blue eyes suddenly changed into a piercing gold, warning Noah not to cross the line just as his snarls grew louder.

Noah simply stood in front of the male without a trace of fear. He crossed his arms and spat, "What are you gonna do? Kill me? I wish you could so I don't have to deal with your ass right now."

"You fucking bitch-"

"If you really want to start fighting with me then let's step outside real quick where there's no one with us. Or would you prefer to drink again?" Noah questioned, noticing Mirren flinch.

"Shut up..."

Noah stifled a groan, finding himself to be even more stupid for trying to help this guy. He was about to try and reason with Mirren when he saw the brunet slump his shoulders, eyes hesitantly lowering themselves as if he just saw something he wasn't supposed to. Noah then turned around to look at whatever the hell Mirren was now depressed about when he noticed it was Niven and Roselia.

The crown princess clung onto the boy's arm as she spoke with her family about something. The emperor and empress were surprised but they kept on listening intently seriously.

Noah had no clue what they were saying, but he looked back at Mirren and noticed the brunet sitting back down on his seat with a miserable expression. Since the male had enhanced hearing, Noah figured Mirren heard something he didn't like from the princess.

Noah rolled his eyes at how dramatic Mirren was over this. The brunet should be happy that Niven found someone who loves him since all Noah ever heard about is how infatuated the crown princess and Niven are with each other. Why the hell does Mirren look so upset? It's not like—

"Oh, shit." Noah almost had a heart attack when he realized why the jaguar beastman was acting like this.

"Don't stare at me like that!" Mirren jumped the male suddenly cursing and grunted, "If you're trying to help me then stop, you're only making me feel worse-"

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