³.¹don't stop me now

Start from the beginning

"Eh... it was fun while it lasted. Besides we were amazing. I had a bass guitar, James on drums, Remus on the keyboard and-"

"Lalalalala-I'm not hearing his name-lalalala." Athena closed her eyes and covered her ears, not wanting to hear the name of the man who betrayed her family. Though the three Marauders would sometimes mention that he wasn't a bad man during their years at Hogwarts, she didn't really care as he was the reason that her mother and godmother are dead. She wasn't one to hold grudges against people, but if they make her life miserable, then she would hold that grudge until it's with the person six feet under.

"Okay fine." Sirius smiled slightly. "But we do have instruments. I still have mine somewhere in the attic, it was too precious to get rid off. James and Remus... I don't know if they still have theirs."

"I do! Mines in my attic! I'll get it!" And within a blink, James apparated out of the room.

Athena and Harry then turned their heads to the Lupin. "What about you Uncle Moony?"

Remus then shook his head nervously. "Uhm- Er- No. I sold it a few years ago because I needed some money."

"What do you mean? I saw you playing it like a few months back when I went in to your house for some suga-"

Suddenly the werewolf's hand was on the dog's mouth, stopping him from saying anything else. Athena's eyes widened, her mouth breaking into a grin. "Ahah! You do!"

Remus shook his head, replying quickly. "No I don't."

"Yes you do!" Harry's mouth opened to a smile. Even Sirius was trying to say he does, but his voice muffled due to Remus' hand. Well, until Sirius licked his hand.

Remus immediately pulled his hand back, vigorously wiping the spit on Sirius' shirt. "Gosh you're disgusting Pads."

"And you still have your keyboard."

"Okay fine, I do." Remus sighed in defeat. "But I only said I didn't because I know for a fact both you and James would want to- Nevermind."

"What? What do you mean?" Athena furrowed her eyebrows.

"Nothing. I'm not planting any ideas in this dog's head."

Then a loud crack was heard. The four turned around, their eyes met with a James covered in dust, a disassembled drum set next to him. "I got it!"

"And a bunch of dust as well." Remus retorted, eyeing the multiple dust particles that fell on the Black's floor.

"Well, that's what manages to stick with you when you look inside an attic that hasn't seen daylight in 5 years." James huffed, waving a hand over to him to removed the dust.

"Can we set it up?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, of course. I'll go clean up though."

Remus stood up, using his wand to levitate the drum set into the middle of the living room. The couches and coffee table were pushed away to make space in the middle. He used a spell to get rid of any dust or dirt on the set, which showed the actual colour of the drums, then assembled it after.

"Wait I'll go get my bass!" Sirius then ran up the stairs, heading to the attic.

───── ❦ ─────

Sirius and James were both downstairs, clean, and had a base in hand. Remus then apparated into his place and grabbed his keyboard. The three men haven't played their instruments in such a long time that playing now would've brought tears to their eyes at the memory. Back in their Hogwarts years, the three would be playing the instruments as Peter would either be the hype man or the dancer, Lily and Maddie would either sing along to the songs they play or would be the audience cheering on. But those tears didn't fall as they were too happy to show the mini Padfoot and Prongs one of their old hobbies.

The three were on a triangle formation. Sirius on the right with his bass guitar, Remus on the left with the keyboard in front of him, and James in the back, seated behind his drums. "Alright kiddos, what song?"

Harry and Athena looked at each other, smiles on their faces, then looked at the adults. "How about 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen?" They both proposed in unison.

Sirius smirked, looking at his best mates. "Alright, but you two are singing along."

The three got themselves ready, then Remus started playing. Athena and Harry started singing the lyrics, adding some dramatic moves in. As the chorus started, the Marauders' playing became louder, causing Harry and Athena's voices to voice out. Remus noticed and used one hand to get his wand and conjure muggle microphones in front of the two kids while his other hand was still on the keyboard. He also made some microphones float in front of his and the other two Marauders' mouths, seeing as they were making the background vocals.

Athena and Harry would dance when they're not singing, but when they were they would add in some hand movements. The five of them had played and sung, joy and excitement radiating off of them. When that song started playing on Athena's speaker earlier, she didn't think that they would be singing it now.


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