Wk 5 part 4: Struggling

Start from the beginning

I hiss, air escaping my lips in a feline-liked growl as the air in front of me is clouded by steam. 

It's raining harder, fitting the mood, and I see the gardener packing up his stuff. I sit under the built in-gazebo dome while it rains, and another grey note falls from the sky.

(i want someone to help
but they won't)

I frown, making up my mind. Looking back up, I see Tommy on his balcony, hair plastered to his face, bun dripping (yes I draw and write Tommy with a bun, sue me) just looking out over the gardens. He wasn't even wearing a coat, it was just a top and jeans. 

I internally curse at Tommy, heaving a sigh before taking out a notepad and a pen, tearing off a piece of paper and writing on it. 

Holding a hair-tie in my teeth, I take one from around my wrist and tied to note to an arrow before firing it at Tommy, making sure not to hit anywhere near him, just on the balcony floor.

He startles, jumping back, before narrowing his eyes and wiping at the rain. Or was that tears? 
Picking it up, he reads it, as I decide that if he needed help and no-one was giving it, I'm going to help him, consequences be damned.

Rushing up the stairs against time, I skid to his room, my boots grabbing traction on the otherwise smooth floor. Flinging the door open softly, I stand there for a while just observing.  

Tommy's POV

Everything just seemed out of place. The world was grey, and I couldn't do anything about it. With this whole outbreak, I can't help anyone, but I need to do something. 

I searched up a way of "releasing worries" and it said to write notes and throw it out the window. So that's what I did.

The rain was even doing more than me. It was being useful, watering the plants and giving them life. More than I could do. 

I was on the balcony, enjoying the rain, crying. The rain blended in with my tears, and I scowl, wiping them away.

Woosh. An object rushes past me, a whistle in the wind, breaking my thoughts.   

As I jump back, my reflexes flaring, I quickly survey below me. Seeing nothing but the normal, I turn back to the object. Bending down, I notice an arrow. My first reaction was of surprise, then suspicion as I notice a note tied to the arrow. 

Before investigating it, I retreat a safe distance away before looking at it again. No visible liquid apart from the rain. So I go forward and untie the note from the arrow, noting that whoever used the tie had the exact same hair ties as Techno. 

Unfolding the note, I read 

(You're going to break my heart, Tommy.
I swear, you're going to tear it apart)

I recognize that handwriting, vaguely. It was cursive, elegant and loping. Gulping, I continue reading, tears soaking the paper. 

(But no matter what you do... We'll be still be there for you.)   

(And when you call my name, I won't be far away.)

I... Didn't know what to say. Sure, I didn't think anyone would respond, because they never do, but... Who?  

(No matter where you go, you'll never be alone


Clenching my fists, I pocket the arrow and the note, tears falling down my face. 

Hearing the door open behind me, I turn. Techno was there, the pinkette wet from rain. 

"Hey." He says.

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