"We need to stop these rumors from expanding even more," Magee says. "Why? The fans enjoy it and frankly, it gains more publicity. Isn't that what you want? Publicity for us equals money for you," I say and Magee shakes his head. "This is the bad kind of publicity that we don't want. We can't have people thinking you are gay, or bisexual," Magee says and I roll my eyes.

"Well, it looks like I am, so I think we may have a problem," I say and the other management members look surprised. "Of course you are. Great, this just gets better and better," Magee says sarcastically, putting his head in his hands.

"So, what are you planning?" I ask, wanting to move on from my confession. "You and Eleanor are going to be flying out to LA together with Liam and Sofia and you will be renting a villa with the four of you," he says and my eyes go wide.

"Eleanor? No! Absolutely no fucking way. Never in any lifetime. Hell. No," I say, shaking my head. "You have to Louis, you and Eleanor have to still be dating to the public world," Magee says, almost sounding...sorry?

"No, I refuse. I am not going anywhere with that slut. She was cheating on me as I was breaking up with her, I am never speaking with her again," I state and Magee sighs.

"Yes, you are flying out with her to LA in one week and that is final," he says and I throw my arms in the air, preparing myself to argue but the look on Magee's face stops me. He gives me the look saying that this is not arguable and I won't change anything.

"At least let me fly out a little bit earlier so I can see Harry," I mutter, giving up. "Okay, you will be flying out before Liam. How does in 4 days sound?" He asks and I nod.

"Whatever, is that all?" I ask, my mood completely drained. "Yes, you may go," Magee says, already starting to pack up his things.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to keep the tears from coming to my eyes.

I stand up and exit the room, not bothering to thank the devils who make my life miserable.

I pull out my phone, immediately clicking on the contact of the person I need to talk to, not caring that it's late in LA.

"Wha-Lou?" I hear a grumble over the line and that's when the tears hit me. I step out of the building and I quickly rush to my car, getting in and letting out a breath before letting the tears fall down my face.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I hear Harry's now-awake voice and I cry harder at the thought.

"They're making me fly out with Eleanor to LA to stop the rumors and I can't look at her after what she did! Harry, I can't do this!" I cry into the phone and I can hear Harry's surprise and he tries to calm me down.

My tears eventually calm down to sniffles and then Harry starts to talk. "They can't do that, why does it have to be Eleanor?" He asks and I shake my head, wiping my eyes. "They can, and I don't know why. I guess it's because according to the public, me and her are dating," I mutter

"They shouldn't do this to you. Do they know what she did to you?" He asks, and I know he's getting angry. "Yes, and they are still making me do this," I say sadly and Harry huffs.

"Well they can just wait until I get to them," he says and I shake my head. "You can't do anything about it," I say and Harry sighs, knowing it's true.

"I can't stand to see you like this, though," he mutters. "But, at least they are letting fly out early to be with you," I say, lifting the mood. "Really?!" Harry asks, his voice turning to excitement.

"Yep, in four days I'll be back with you," I say and my face brightens just at the thought. "I can't wait," Harry mumbles happily through the phone.

Sweet Depression |Larry Stylinson|Where stories live. Discover now