𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗴 found himself waiting outside with his father, both of them eager to see Mulan, who was getting prepared for the Matchmaker with her mother. He grimaced at the thought of meeting the Matchmaker one day. He knew that he would eventually have to start a family with his match but he never thought the day would come so soon for Mulan. 

He sighed, holding pity for the girl. He knew that she was thrilled when the days went by with no news from the ragged old woman but it was too good to be true. Deep down, they both knew that they would be matched one day and they both knew that they were dreading it. It fell heavily on their shoulders, if they chose what they wanted, they would dishonor the Hua family but it the cost was being unhappy but bringing honor to the family. Sheng would have to chose unhappiness. He couldn't bear the thought of dishonoring the Hua family. It was too painful.

He brought himself back to the present, leaning against a pole while awaiting the arrival of Mulan, who would be in makeup and in an elegant dress.

"That would be a first" he mumbled, shortly laughing to himself.

Sheng looked up at a window, catching Mulan's gaze. He gave her a small smile, knowing the discomfort she must be in right now. He saw her gaze shift to Black Wind, knowing that she was likely considering jumping on his back and riding off into the sunset. 

Soon he caught sight of his mother and Mulan, accompanied by his sister Xiu. He sent her an encouraging smile but it was met with a blank gaze. He lowered his head, his pity increasing for Mulan. He held sadness in his eyes for the girl, knowing that her real self was hidden under a pile of makeup and an elegant dress. This wasn't Mulan, she wasn't herself. He clenched his fist at the thought. 

Sheng smiled as his mother and Mulan walked by. He sent her a curt nod. "I am truly blessed to be in the presence of such enchanting woman."

His father cut in. "I have no doubt that today will be a momentous day for the Hua family."

"Never mind that," his mother cut in."We must be on time." 

Sheng watched on as Mulan struggled to keep up with the woman. He sighed once more, tearing his gaze away from Mulan.

"I'm starving" he heard Mulan say in the distance, causing his booming laughter to break out once more, clearing his throat when he noticed the people's stares. 

Sheng watched as they made their way to the Matchmaker's house, following behind his father Hua Zhou. They stood outside the door, waiting for the meeting to end. 

Sheng looked at the house, startled as he heard bangs coming from inside. He walked forward, only to be stopped by his father who blocked his path by holding his arm out.

His father took a deep breath. "You can't interfere with the meeting Sheng. It will only bring humiliation with it, it is best if we let fate move things along." He said in a soft whisper, calming Sheng. Sheng looked at him and sighed, going back to leaning against the wooden pillar.

He watched as Mulan left the Matchmaker's house, frowning as he saw her hairdo undone. The Matchmaker walked over, leaning on the balcony and shouting for all of the village to hear.

"Dishonor on the Hua family" she screamed. "They have failed to raise a good daughter!"

A unseen rage filled Sheng and he grabbed Mulan and pulled her closely to his side, hearing her small gasp as she felt the anger radiating off of him.

"Don't listen to her Mulan" he murmured in her ear, still holding her closely to his side as they walked down the stairs and got to the ground level.

The sound of drumbeats echoed throughout the village. The whole village stopped to watch the soldiers enter their tolou, whispering at the sight. 

"Citizens! Citizens! Citizens!" the magistrate shouted, as if he already didn't have their attention. "We are under attack from northern invaders. Our land is at war! By edict of His Imperial Majesty, the Son of Heaven, every family must contribute one man to fight! One man from every house!"

He pulled out a scroll and unraveled it, the inscription on it read a list of names.

"Wang family! Chin family! Du family!" he said.

"Hua family!"

It was as if his world had collapsed around him, his breath caught in his throat and he could only stare wide-eyed. The words echoed in his head, repeating over and over again. He took a step forward but was yanked back by his mother, he soon saw his father, who was walking forward. 

Their father bowed. "I am Hua Zhou, I served the Imperial Army in the last battle against the Northern Invaders."

The magistrate stared down at him from atop his horse. "Have you no son old enough to fight?" he asked.

"I am blessed with two daughters and a son who has not come of age," he answered, looking up at the magistrate. "I will fight."

It all seemed in slow motion as their father reached to accept the scroll, his fingers barely touching the parchment before his leg gave out on him, sending him tumbling to the ground. Sheng and Mulan both moved forward to help their father but their mother held them back.

"You must not interfere, you will only humiliate him further."

He saw as the magistrate gave their father a look of pity and even the soldiers seemed embarrassed for him, Hua Sheng sighed, averting his gaze. 

Hua Zhou grabbed the scroll, denying the soldier's offer of his hand, he painfully got up and limped away, his head still held high.

Mulan and Sheng watched him go, sparing a glance at one another. They both knew what would happen. Their father was going to go to war and most likely be killed. He was a good man, a proud man and it was his pride that was going to get him killed on the battlefield.

Sheng lowered his gaze, pressing his lips tightly together. He looked at Mulan and sent her a reassuring smile but even he could tell that she saw right through him. He sighed and wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her tightly against his hip. He led her back to the house, both of them embraced in a comfortable silence and engrossed in their thoughts, knowing that they didn't have to use words to express what they felt. They knew what was going to happen. 

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Where stories live. Discover now