𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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"Stealing! Penalty: death!"

Sergeant Qiang's voice rang over the parade ground in the center of encampment. Morning had come far too quickly for Sheng's liking. They all had been awakened by the sergeant's loud booming voice echoing through the tent, ordering everyone outside for the morning announcements. Luckily, in the chaos that followed, Sheng watched as Mulan was able to slink towards the back of the tent and successfully got dressed without anyone noticing her female-shaped exterior. 

Now Sheng stood shoulder to shoulder with Mulan, along with hundreds of other conscripts and seasoned soldiers as the sergeant's loud voice barked the list of rules and punishments for breaking them. Beside him, Commander Tung stood, his eyes flickering over the men gathered in front of him.

"Desertion!" Sergeant Qiang continued. "Penalty: death!"

The men listened, their faces somber and focus. Even Yao knew not to joke.

"Bringing women into camp or consorting with women in any way," the sergeant continued. "Penalty: death."

Sheng struggled to keep the panic and fear from his face. He felt as though everyone was looking at him and Mulan, even though he knew this was not the case. Still, Sergeant Qiang's words made her fear increase and made them feel that much more real. He had known that there would be a penalty for bringing a women in the army, but death? That was a bit . . . aggressive.

As if reading Sheng's thoughts, Sergeant Qiang finished his speech. "Dishonesty? Penalty . . . "

He paused, letting the word hang in the air for a moment before finishing. "Expulsion! Disgrace" The conscripts gasped. Sergeant Qiang nodded. "Disgrace for you, disgrace for your family, disgrace for your village . . . disgrace for your country."

From the looks on the faces of the men and Mulan around him, and the way they all shifted uncomfortably on their feet, Sheng knew they were thinking his exact thoughts. Disgrace was a far worse punishment then death.

Sheng could have sworn Sergeant Qiang looked happier to have made the soldiers nervous. Marching in front of them, he stopped, slamming his finger into the chest of the nearest conscript.

"We're going to make men out of every single one of you!"

As the parade ground erupted with cheers, Sheng lifted his hand and let out a happy cry but upon seeing Mulan's look of fear, he lowered his hand and placed it comfortably on her shoulder, sending her a small smile, but, it did not stop the fear on the inside. What would they do if Mulan was revealed? They couldn't avoid it forever? Would she fall in the first battle or be revealed and have both of them face the punishment? He flinched at the thought but quickly regained composure. 

He nudged Mulan lightly, bringing his lips closely to her ear. "I think they'll make a man out of even you. Mulan." 

Her shoulders relaxed but still remained tense. She nudged his shoulder lightly in a teasing manner. "I could say the same."

He placed a hand over his heart, faking offense. "Me. Why wouldn't they?"

Sheng and Mulan smiled brightly, both of them wearing huge smiles on their faces, causing some of the conscripts to look at them weirdly. Sheng draped his arm around her shoulder, leading her back to the tent. Both of them chatting away, forgetting about the punishments they could face, their only thoughts about each other, grinning and laughing. 

"Well," Sheng sighed. "It was good to spend some 'Sibling on Sibling' time," he said, flopping down on his bed. Mulan laid right next to him, staring at the ceiling of the tent and smiling before looking at him, their eyes boring into each other's.

"I could say the same" she whispered. 

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Where stories live. Discover now