𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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In the space that followed, the only sound Sheng could hear was the pounding of his own heart. They had done it! Mulan and Sheng had done it! They had defeated the Northern Invaders.

But their victory was short-lived. The Imperial soldiers had not even given a shout of joy before the shriek of a hawk pierced the air. Looking up, Sheng saw the witch circling faster and faster as he watched the invaders run like cowards. Sheng knew the witch was the real enemy. Reaching behind his back, Sheng grabbed his bow and notched an arrow. Taking aim, Sheng let the arrow fly. 

The arrow soared through the air. Sheng held his breath and waited, Mulan watching his arrow fly through the air towards the witch, her expression holding anticipation. As Sheng watched, the hawk turned. For a briefest of moments, it seemed like Sheng's arrow would do its job. But just before the arrow hit her, the hawk transformed, splitting into hundreds of smaller birds. 

They filled the air, blocking the sun as they hovered. Then, in one fell swoop, they moved in for the attack. Loud shrieks filled the air as the birds at the Imperial Army. The men ducked, trying to fight off the creatures. But the birds kept coming. 

"Defensive position!" Commander Tung cried, his voice cutting through the shrieks of the birds and the men's screams. 

As the soldiers gathered together, lifting their shields above their heads, resembling the shell of a tortoise. Sheng and Mulan scanned the horizon. Their eyes widened as they spotted movement on the ridge of the snow-covered mountain that dominated one end of the valley. Atop it, they noticed dozens of Rouran archers readying their bows. Their eyes grew wider as they saw a large trebuchet being moved into position. The wooden catapult would take out dozens of Imperial soldiers in a single shot. The slings could hold a huge rock or dozens of smaller ones. It was a power--and deadly--weapon.

The birds had been a diversion. The Imperial Army hadn't won. Not yet. There was a second wave being prepared--and it was about to attack. Trapped in the valley below, Commander Tung and his army wouldn't stand a chance against the wooden catapult. 

Sheng looked towards Mulan, his eyes showing worry. Mulan's hand was lifted slightly. The mountain reflected back on her sword. An idea formed in his head as he stared at the mountain. He looked towards Mulan, sending her a nod. She returned his nod with a mischievous smile--one that suited her--and nodded back, showing that the same idea had formed in her head. 

Using the distraction of the tortoise formation, Sheng and Mulan snuck out from the cover of the shields. Mulan whistled loudly and a moment later, Black Wind showed up. Mulan and Sheng jumped on his back, Sheng sitting on the back of the horse. Mulan turned Black Wind towards the ridge. As they galloped away from the other soldiers, Mulan reached down and grabbed an Imperial helmet. Sheng followed her lead, grabbing another and another. Satisfied, they continued towards the ridge. 

Their last success had been lucky. But they were going to need more than luck to pull off this plan. 

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Where stories live. Discover now