𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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Sheng squeezed his eyes shut as bright light engulfed his vision. He squinted his eyes, feeling hands on his face. His vision was blurred and hazy. Soon, his vision cleared and he was met with the sight of Mulan, obvious relief on her face. Mulan held his face in her hands, tears staining her cheeks. The Emperor stood behind her, his expression concerned. His hands were folded behind his back as he towered over Sheng.

Sheng stood up to his feet, wiping the dust off of his armor. Seeing the Emperor, he bowed and lowered his head. The Emperor smiled at him.

"Tell me you name, soldier."

Sheng gave the Emperor a respectful smile. "My name is Hua Sheng. I am the brother of Hua Mulan."

'Time Skip'

The Imperial Palace was aglow. Hundreds of lanterns floated in the sky above as people filled the streets, their voices ringing with laughter and celebration. A parade, led by a large red dragon made its way along the main street while music and the scent of food filled the air.

Sheng and Mulan stood in the throne room, their minds a blur.

The past few hours had been surreal. Immediately after telling the Emperor his name, fear had filled Sheng. While they had saved the Emperor, Mulan had done so as a woman. And it was still illegal for her to fight as one. They had followed the Emperor from the New Palace to the Imperial Palace with lumps in their throat, convinced that the Emperor was going to punish them. But to their surprise, he had brought them to the palace to honor them.

Now they stood in front of the throne, tiny figures surrounded by dozens of candles that lit up the room, making it warm and bright. Behind them, the most important people of the city stood watching Sheng and Mulan intently. Among them were Commander Tung, Honghui, and the rest of their battalion.

Rising from his throne, the Emperor approached Sheng and Mulan. They bowed and smiled when he encouraged them to stand once more.

Hua Mulan, Hua Sheng," the Emperor began, his voice carrying over the large crowd. "The people owe you both a debt of thanks. I owe you my life. In gratitude for your service and dedication, I invite you to take your place among our greatest decorated warriors--as officers in my Imperial Guard."

Behind them, they heard the surprised murmurs from the onlookers. What the Emperor had offered was an incredible honor. In fact, it was the greatest honor any soldier could wish for. It took Sheng and Mulan's breaths away, and they had to move their gazes from the Emperor so he wouldn't see the emotion running down their faces. Unfortunately, when they turned, they found themselves looking at Yao, who had tears of his own running down his cheeks as he watched Sheng and Mulan with pride. Seeing the larger soldier weeping made Sheng and Mulan smile, and they turned back to the Emperor. They knew what they had to say.

"Your Majesty," Mulan began. "We are deeply honored by this immeasurable invitation. But with humble apologies, we cannot accept it." Once more, the room filled with surprised mumbles as those gathered tried to make sense of Mulan's answer. Only Sheng seemed to understand, and he gave her a reassuring smile as Mulan went on. "We left home under the cover of darkness and betrayed our family's trust. I made choices I knew would risk our dishonor. Since then, I have pledged an oath to be loyal, brave, and true. In order to fulfill this oath, we must return home and make amends to our family."

There was a pause as the Emperor considered Mulan's words. Then he nodded. Raising his voice, he formally addressed the court. "Devotion to family is an essential virtue!" As his scribes took note of this new official declaration, the Emperor looked once more at Mulan and Sheng. He did not say anything for a moment, his warm eyes peering into Sheng and Mulan's souls. Then, as though satisfied with what he had seen there, the Emperor nodded again. This time, in a voice only Sheng and Mulan could hear, he said. "Very well, Hua Sheng and Hua Mulan."

Turning, he moved back to the throne. Dismissed, Sheng and Mulan made their way towards the soldiers--their friends. The night was young, and the celebration was just beginning. For the next few hours, Sheng and Mulan reasoned that they would forget their journey home and just enjoy life for a moment. They would have time to think about what to say to their family--and their father--later.

Dawn was beginning to brighten the edge of the Imperial City as Sheng and Mulan led Kage and Black Wind across a bridge towards the main gates. In the sky above, a few lanterns drifted aimlessly, while a boat floated in the empty water below. The city was quiet in the post-celebration hour, as was Sheng and Mulan.

"You can't leave."

Hearing Honghui's voice, Sheng and Mulan turned towards Honghui. Sheng smirked as Mulan approached Honghui.

"The Emperor gives his permission for me to leave," she said. "But you do not?"

"We've not said goodbye," Honghui answered.

"Goodbye, Honghui," Mulan replied.

"Goodbye, Mulan."

Sheng bit back a groan as he watched the lovesick duo stare into each other's eyes, both clearly wanting--needing--to say more, and yet neither wishing to be the first to do so.

Honghui outstretched his hand, staring at Mulan. "You still won't take my hand?" he asked. His voice was soft, deep with emotion.

Holding her breath, Mulan let her fingers curl around his. Sheng's grin grew as he watched them.

Mulan's head moved closer to his. Closer, and closer until she paused, her lips inches from Honghui's.

"I've never kissed a man before," she said.

Honghui smiled. "Neither have I."

And then, Honghui brought his lips to hers. As they kissed, their fingers stayed intertwined and Mulan sank into Honghui. Sheng bit back a sigh of relief as he watched the two. He had seen the connection between them and it was just a moment of waiting.

Mulan reluctantly pulled back, breaking the kiss. Her cheeks flushed, she brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and smiled nervously.

Picking up the reins from where they had dropped, Mulan threw them over Black Wind's head. Then she jumped on the horse's back. Sheng and Mulan turned and rode away. But before they had even reached the gate, they heard Honghui shout. "I will see you again, Hua Mulan!'

"What about me?" Sheng murmured, sending Mulan a suggestive smile. Sheng's smile grew as Mulan blushed.

"You're never letting this go, are you?"

Sheng smirked. "Never. I'm happy you found someone."

Mulan nodded. "Me too."

"So, when are you two getting-"

"Stop" Mulan groaned, her cheeks painted a rosy red. "Don't tell Father and Mother."

Sheng shrugged. "No guarantees."

Mulan glared at him. "Mother is going to go crazy when she sees you."

"What do you mean-" Sheng began. "Oh. My black eye and lip." Sheng paused, pressing his lips in a thin line.

Mulan nodded, wincing at the thought of the woman. "That's only some of your injuries."

Sheng scrunched his nose in distaste. "Yeah. My injuries aren't that bad, though."

Mulan tilted her head. "You have bruised ribs, a black eye, a busted lips, and some scratches and small cuts."

Sheng snorted. "Mother's going to go crazy."

Mulan hummed in agreement, turning towards Sheng. "If it helps, I have bruised ribs and some scratches and cuts."

Sheng shrugged. "Kind of helps, but not really." Sheng chuckled. "Still won't save me from our mother's wrath." Sheng whispered to himself.

A comfortable silence engulfed the siblings as they sat on their horse's backs. They were eager to see their family, but also fearful of their reaction.

With that, Sheng and Mulan rode towards their village . . .

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