𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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Sheng's thoughts were still twirling the next morning as they marched out of camp and towards the Mountain Steppe Garrison. The footsteps of the newly made soldiers provided background noise to his heart pounding in his ears.

His deceit was weighing him down more than the bag he carried on his back. He could not reveal Mulan, that was her decision and he would stand by her decision no matter what, even if it was to cost him his life. He would always remain at her side.

These men had become his friends. Sergeant Qiang and Commander Tung had become his mentors. He felt as if he was betraying them all, and to give his full attention on the battlefield, he needed a clear mind. Yet silence was his friend, too. Not speaking would allow him to keep a secret, while the other choice would result in a punishment worse than death . . . disgrace.

Sheng gave Mulan an uneasy glance, seeing that she was lost in thought, he kept quiet. He wondered if she was thinking the same thing as him.

She leaned over to his ear hesitantly, pausing to speak her thoughts. "I'm going to reveal myself to Commander Tung."

"What" Sheng whispered loudly. He opened his mouth but no words came out, he let out a defeated sigh before following Mulan, who was making her way to Commander Tung's tent.

Taking a deep breath, he waited by her side.

"Commander Tung," Mulan said, announcing their presence. "It's Hua Jun and Hua Sheng."

"You may enter, Hua Sheng, Hua Jun." Commander Tung's response was quick and curt.

Entering the tent, Sheng nodded at his commanding officer. His attention was focused on his sword, which lay across his lap. He was sharpening it with smooth, methodical strokes.

"Commander Tung'' Mulan began. "There is something that weighs heavily on our hearts. We need to confess it to you." Sheng's mouth grew dry as the Commander looked up at them.

He opened and closed his mouth several times, trying desperately to make his tongue form the right words. "It has to do with the Three Pillars of Virtue . . ." That was as far as he could get.

As he struggled, Commander Tung watched. To their surprise, he held compassion in his eyes, as if seeing their struggle hurt him. Getting to his feet, the commander approached them. "There's no shame in being fearful before battle," he said, mistaking the reason for their visit. "In fact, it's a testament to your honesty that you confess such doubt."

His words stabbed at Sheng's already guilty conscience. Honesty? They were there to tell him how dishonest they were. He shook his head, trying to get their conversation back on track and say what they needed to say. "Yes Commander," he said, "but the other virtues-"

Commander Tung interrupted him, his gaze set on Mulan. "Hua Jun," he said, his tone serious. "I've been doing this a long time. I stake my career on my ability to judge character. You're a good man. Perhaps, one day you'll accompany me to my village, where I will introduce you to my daughter."

His daughter? Sheng's jaw dropped. Those were the last words he anticipated coming out of Commander Tung's mouth.

"And our village matchmaker of course," Commander Tung finished.

Not knowing how to respond, Sheng bowed with Mulan. Sheng had no choice but to lower his head and await Mulan's answer.

"It would be my great honor, Commander." Mulan responded, Sheng cringing at her words. This just got a whole lot worse.

Commander Tung smiled, relief on his face. Sheng realized that he had been oddly nervous to say such a thing to Mulan. It made the lie he was keeping feel more shameful. They had come to tell him the truth and yet somehow ended up further into the mess that Mulan had created.

"I'll look forward to the look on your father's face when you give him the news." Commander Tung said, bringing the conversation to a close.

Slipping outside the tent, Sheng let out a nervous breath. He glanced at Mulan, raising an eyebrow at her.

"What was I supposed to do?" Mulan whispered.

"I don't know. Maybe not agree to get married to a women" he whispered. "When you are one" he added.

"Thank you for the support," Mulan said, this time not bothering to whisper or keep the sarcasm out of her voice. "Really."

Sheng sighed, wrapping his arm around Mulan's shoulder. "We'll figure something out. We always do."

Mulan dragged a hand over her face, groaning in frustration. "I don't think we can get out of this."

Sheng shook his head, thoughts rushing through his head. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"We let the lie live, and now things couldn't possibly get any worse."

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Where stories live. Discover now