𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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Every time Sheng closed his eyes, he saw Mulan spinning through the air, the ground crunching under her feet as she slammed down. He saw the varied looks of the other soldiers - some surprised, some awed, some bothered. But more than anything, he saw Honghui staring at her, and it was that look that lingered in his memory. Either way, he couldn't get the image of the men's faces out of his mind. He didn't know what to feel. He didn't know whether to be proud or worried about his baby sister.

A part of him was proud, he saw Honghui's disbelief and he was proud that she was proving him wrong and showing that she was strong and could in fact hold her own and be just as good as any men, but, a part of Sheng was worried. Mulan had brought attention to herself, attention that couldn't be avoided this time.

Commander Tung definitely noticed what she did and he might continue to push her to improve her chi but as Hua Jun, a part of her was locked away and Mulan would need to reveal that part of her to unlock her full potential, but doing so would risk everything. It would take an incredible amount of courage and strength to reveal herself as Hua Mulan. Who knows how the men would react; what they would do. The question ran through his mind every day.

Now Sheng laid on his sleeping platform, willing to let his eyes close. But every time he shifted, he was assaulted with a hideous odor, which filled the tent. Sheng opened his eyes as he heard a sleeping platform creak, seeing Mulan swing her legs over her sleeping platform. She grabbed fresh clothes and tiptoed past the other soldiers out of the barracks.

The encampment was quiet and empty, all of the soldiers, except Sheng and Mulan, retired for the night, so Sheng and Mulan were able to move quickly, the only noise being their hushed whispers. Their footsteps barely made a sound as they floated over the ground towards the lake at the edge of the camp. A bright moon in the sky above illuminated its still surface. Sheng saw Mulan smile at the sight of the fresh water.

Taking a peak over his shoulder make sure no one was looking, Sheng nodded towards Mulan, turning around so that his back was facing her. He heard the quiet thump as her clothes fell to the floor, piling on top of each other.

He heard the small splash in the water, signalling that Mulan had entered the lake. A sigh of pure bliss escaped the girl's lips, causing Sheng's shoulders to shake slightly with amusement. He let out his own sigh of content, staring up at the moon that illuminated the space around them.

There, in the silence between them, she was just Mulan, Sheng's little sister. Not Hua Jun, his younger brother who joined him in the army, trying to prove "himself." He hadn't realized how hard the act had been on him and Mulan mentally and physically. It was exhausting keeping a secret for so long.

Sheng's head snapped up, hearing footsteps, his eyes widened in horror as he realized Honghui was walking towards them.

"Hua Jun!" Honghui called out, startling Mulan.

"We need to talk!" he shouted as he began undressing in front of Sheng. Sheng's eyes widened, he turned his head to side, neither staring at Mulan or Honghui. 

Panic filled Sheng. This couldn't be the end. They had come too far and were not about to be killed by Honghui revealing their secret. Sheng averted his eyes from Honghui, Honghui shedding his clothes with no shame. He stared up at Sheng, his eyes flickering between Sheng and Mulan in confusion.

"Care to join us Sheng?" Honghui questioned obliviously.

"N-No" Sheng stammered, lowering his eyes.

"I came here to be alone-" Mulan called out, splashing water as she tried to move away, looking around for anything to cover herself.

Honghui ignored her protest, Sheng watching with horror. Jumping into the water, he swam towards her. "What was that today?" he said as his arms sliced through the water. "You were incredible."

"I don't want to talk about it," Mulan said, turning so her back was facing him.

Stopping a few feet away, Honghui treaded water. He looked at Mulan with curiosity, causing Sheng to flood with panic, the only noise being his heart thumping erratically in his ears. When Mulan didn't make a move toward him, Honghui swam around to face her. But Mulan mirrored his movements, keeping her back facing him. He pressed on anyway. "Teach me how you did it. Show me."

Mulan shook her head, responding. "Leave me alone," she repeated, the words coming out harsher then she probably intended them to be. But Honghui was not bothered.

"Why?" he asked. "What's wrong with you? I thought we were friends."

Sheng watched sadly, knowing that Honghui would not get the answer he was looking for, quite the opposite actually.

"I'm not your friend" Mulan stated harshly, causing Sheng to cringe at her words, knowing that she didn't mean them. They were friends. Or at least they all were becoming friends.

As Mulan remained silent the air grew tense between the group, Honghui sighed, his tone turning cold.

"You can turn your back on me," he stated, his eyes flickering between Sheng and Mulan once again. "But when the time comes, do not turn your back on them." He said harshly. "You owe them that much."

Honghui cut through the water, swimming back to shore and giving one last harsh glare at Sheng before picking up his clothes and making his way back to the tent, not looking back.

Sheng turned around, hearing Mulan exit and lake and grab her clothes. He stared up at the moon, lost in thought. A soft hand was placed on his shoulder, causing him to turn around.

"I'm sorry" Mulan apologized, lowering her gaze down to the ground.

Sheng shook his head. "There's nothing to apologize for."

"But there is" she protested, throwing her hands up in the air. Sheng watched her silently as she continued.

"I could have gone by myself. I could've kept you out of this mess." Mulan whispered loudly. "I could have-"

"Stop" Sheng said softly, grabbing her shoulders, making her face him. "You know that I would have never let you go alone" he said. "We need each other. I'm glad I'm here with you. If we do something, we do it together." He told her. "If your secret get revealed, so be it." He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air; mimicking her movement. "I'll go with you anywhere Mulan. I'll never leave you. I promise you that, little sister."

He grinned, nudging her lightly. "Besides, we all know that I'll be the one to make sure that we go down in a blaze of glory." Sheng joked, causing both of them to let out a watery chuckle.

Mulan, in response to his words, pulled him in for a tight embrace, gripping onto him tightly, as if she was to never let go. She laid her head on his shoulder, hugging him tightly. He pulled her closer, hugging her tightly to his chest. The siblings sat there, holding each other in a peaceful silence, fully content in each other's presence and gripping onto each other for dear life.

If only this moment could last forever . . . 

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Where stories live. Discover now