𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗

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Fortunately, Sheng wasn't given much time to dwell on the growing chaos of their situation. Arriving back the tent, they only had a few hours of restless sleep before the soldiers were once again awoken and ordered to move out.

They marched through the desert steppe, the dry, shrub-covered ground offering them little protection from the beating sun, or any potential enemy eyes. Sheng's gaze drifted over the arid landscape as they walked, his mind feeling as drained as the land around him. After a few hours' march, the land begun to rise beneath their feet, the shrubs giving way to a rocky landscape. In the distance, the Mountain Steppe Garrison rose up, protected on one side by mountains but left vulnerable up front. 

Arriving in the front of the garrison entrance, Commander Tung lifted a hand. Sheng, Mulan and others came to halt as they waited for the soldiers to open the heavy gates. As the wooden doors opened, the inside of the garrison came to view. It was like any other garrison under the Emperor's rule. Filled with vendors, selling their goods and a few smaller buildings, it was busy, but not bustling. 

"The Mountain Steppe Garrison welcomes the Fifth Battalion of His Majesty's Imperial Army." 

Commander Tung raised his sword in response, his expression hardened and serious. 

'Time Skip' 

"Scout at the gate!" A soldier shouted. 

Sheng's head snapped in the direction of the pounding hoof beats, seeing two soldiers sitting a top a horse. Panic and distress was worn on their expressions, their chests rising and falling frantically. 

"Bori Khan assembles not a half day's ride from here. They prepare for battle. We're greatly outnumbered."

"Fortify for siege!" The Garrison Commander ordered. Mulan's head snapped in the direction, her eyes panicked. Sheng placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, giving her a weak smile. 

Commander Tung scratched his chin, deep in thought. "No. He who moves first controls the enemy." Commander Tung replied, seeing the soldiers apprehensive expression's. "We leave at first light."

Sheng let out a shaky breath. They were going to war . . . 

'Another Time Skip'

"Anything you want me to tell your mothers when you die?" Yao joked, a smirk on his face. 

Cricket stared at the fire before responding. "That's not funny."

Sheng hummed in agreement, nodding his head. His gaze fixed on the flames.

"What's the matter? Scared?" Yao taunted. 

"No." Cricket replied, shying away from Yao.

"Who knows who will live past tomorrow?" Ling interrupted. Sheng glanced at Mulan before returning his gaze to the fire, lost in thought. "We may never see each other again." The atmosphere tensed and people grew quiet as Ling's words began to sink in.

Sheng inhaled a shaky breath, Mulan stared at him for a moment before placing a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. 

"Our father once said . . ." Mulan began. "There is no courage without fear."

Sheng smiled slightly at her words, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"So?" Yao replied. 

Mulan stared at Yao, unaffected by the man's response. "So this is natural."

"Well, it doesn't feel natural" Chien Po answered, exhaling sharply. 

Mulan stared at Honghui. "Listen to me, all of you." Mulan said. "We will live. I guarantee it. Because I will protect you. We'll protect each other. We'll fight for each other."

Mulan stared at her shaking hand, grabbing it with her left hand. Sheng gulped nervously, reassured by his sister's words. 

"Except for you, Yao" Mulan joked. "I might take the opportunity to kill you myself."

Laughter chorused through the group, Sheng feeling lighter. Mulan always knew the right things to say. The laughter died down, the men staring at the fire. Sheng sighed, laying his head on Mulan's shoulder. Mulan leaned her head on his, sighing softly. There was a chance that they would never see each other again. That they both could fall in battle. 

It was a terrifying thought . . .   

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