𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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Sheng pulled his new horse, Kage, to a stop in front of the Imperial Gates. They had ridden hard from the Mountain Steppe Garrison, and the horses and the riders were tired. But spotting the gates, opened and unmanned, Sheng, Mulan, and the other Imperial soldiers instantly went on alert. Sheng's body tensed and he felt his skin prickle. Something was wrong. Spurring Kage on, Sheng, Mulan and their fellow soldiers raced into the city. 

Citizens jumped out of the way in fear and surprise. The soldiers didn't slow until they reached the main square of the Imperial Palace. As they entered the square, Sheng pulled back on Kage's reins. He slowed his horse and looked over his shoulder at Commander Tung. He met his gaze, his worry mirrored in Commander Tung's eyes. The square should not have been open. The gates shouldn't have been unprotected. Where were the men who were supposed to be guarding the Emperor and the Imperial Palace?

There was the sound of creaking wood. Whipping his head around, Sheng saw the gates to the square shutting. A moment later, the doors slammed closed. They were trapped!

"Ambush!" Mulan and Sheng shouted in unison, alerting the other soldiers. 

Unsheathing his sword, Commander Tung yelled out orders to the other soldiers, moving them into formation. Just as he finished, dark figures appeared on the balconies that ringed the square. A moment later, the figures shifted and came into focus, revealing themselves to be Bori Khan's Shadow Warriors. They leapt from the balconies, landing on the ground with dancer-like grace, their swords already raised for battle. 

Commander Tung turned to Sheng and Mulan. "Protect the Emperor!" he ordered. 

Sheng and Mulan didn't hesitate. Jumping off their horses' backs, they raced across the square. Their arms whipped their swords through the air in precise and fluid motions as they fended off the attackers. Behind them, Commander Tung called for the others to keep their path clear. Instantly, Honghui, Cricket, Po, and the rest of the soldiers ran ahead to fend off the soldiers in Mulan and Sheng's path.

Clear of their attackers, Sheng and Mulan entered the palace in search of the Emperor. Quickly, they made their way to the throne room. As Sheng ran, he silently thanked Commander Tung for his leadership and preparation. Commander Tung had spent their journey describing the layout of the palace to them in case they were separated. 

They turned left and right and then went up a flight of stairs, reaching the doors to the throne room. Pushing them open, they walked inside. The outside noises of the battle faded as the doors closed behind them. Spotting a figure on the throne, they hurried down the long room and bowed. 

"Your Majesty," Mulan said, her racing heartbeat slowing when she saw their leader safe. "We are Hua Mulan and Hua Sheng from the Fifth Battalion. We've come to protect you."


Sheng's head lifted in surprise when he heard the familiar female voice answer. Looking up, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room, he saw that it was not the Emperor sitting on the throne. It was Xianniang. The witch stared back at them. Then the women stood up and spoke again, her voice laced with disbelief. "A women leading a man's army."

Sheng's eyes narrowed. The witch could think what she wanted. The truth was Commander Tung, Honghui, and all the other soldiers had accepted Mulan. And they were counting on Mulan and Sheng now. 

"Where is the Emperor?" Mulan said, unsheathing her sword and advancing towards the throne, Sheng following closely behind with his sword raised.

But their steps slowed as they came closer to Xianniang. Pain and grief were etched upon the witch's face, making her sharp features oddly more beautiful. She looked vulnerable--and scared. Sheng and Mulan felt the urge to ask her what had happened. But they didn't need to. They knew without words, Bori Khan's victory might be approaching, but Xianniang was alone. In so many ways. 

"You were right," Mulan said, lowering her weapon. "We are  the same."

Xianniang gave Sheng and Mulan a small, sad smile. "With one difference, they accept you, and they'll never accept me." The witch's words were full of emotion, and as Sheng and Mulan watched, a tear dropped down Xianniang's cheek.

Sheng's heart ached for the women in front of him. Sheng had watched Mulan, the struggles she endured, believing that there was no place for her in this world. Yet, ironically, it had been Xianniang who had given Mulan her strength to embrace her true identity. 

Mulan continued. "All along, you told me my journey was impossible," Mulan said, her voice softening as she approached the throne. Sheng watched on with immense pride for his little sister. "Yet here I stand, proof that there is a place for people like us."

"No," Xianniang replied, shaking her head, then bowing it in defeat. "It's too late for me."

Sheng watched as Mulan sheathed her sword, his worry growing. Mulan stood in front of Xianniang, unarmed and vulnerable. Sheng stood behind Mulan, watching Xianniang and Mulan's interaction. 

"Please," Mulan said, breaking the silence. "We need your help." Mulan's voice, strong and proud, bounced off the walls of the throne room. 

Xianniang took a deliberate step forward. Sheng's breath hitched. What was she going to do?

In answer, Xianniang let out a piercing shriek. Sheng's hands went to his ears as he saw the witch drop her dagger and run down the throne stairs--straight towards Sheng and Mulan. Just before she slammed into Sheng and Mulan, Xianniang let out another cry and transformed into a hawk. Mulan ducked her head, avoiding the witch's path. Sheng snapped his head up, his eyes widening as he saw the witch barreling towards him. Just before the hawk crashed into him, it flew over his head. The gust of wind sent Sheng tumbling down the throne room stairs. 

Sheng groaned as he reached the bottom, his body aching. His head pounded and his vision blurred for a fraction of a second Mulan grabbed his arm, hoisting him up and shaking off her worry for Sheng. He looked up, seeing the witch disappear from the throne room.

Racing after her, Sheng and Mulan burst into the hall and followed the hawk as it flew down the palace steps and out into the air above the Imperial Square. Their heads arched back, Sheng and Mulan tracked the bird as it continued out over the city and then turned, flying in the direction of the New Palace. 

Sheng and Mulan gave chase. Below them, Commander Tung and his men fought, pushing back the Shadow Warriors. Sheng and Mulan clambered up onto a roof above the square. Their eyes locked on the hawk as they ran over the tiles. When they reached the end of one roof, they jumped onto another, making their way out of the palace and onto the tops of nearby houses. Their steps were confident despite the uneven surfaces and the buildings' great height. In no time, they reached the construction sight of the New Palace. 

Only then did they slow. Leaping down onto the ground, Sheng and Mulan stood catching their breath as the hawk swooped into the west watchtower. The faintest of smiles tugged at their lips. In their gut, they knew. Xianniang had answered Mulan's call for help. Somewhere amid the construction was the Emperor--and Bori Khan. 

Now Sheng and Mulan just needed to find them . . .

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