𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗴 soon was geared up with training clothes, a sword and armor. He sat outside the tent, patiently waiting for Mulan who was still trying on clothes. He sighed, humming a soft tune to himself. 

He sat there for a while before unsheathing his sword from it's scabbard, admiring it. It was a lightweight sword, easy to handle. The grip was a hard leather, smooth and strong. On the end of the hilt was an openwork pommel with a tassel looped through the pommel, similar to their family sword. The blade was straight, thin and flexible. It appeared to be made of a strong forged steel, having a shiny exterior. It was a sword fit for a mighty warrior, one that Sheng hoped he could become. His scabbard was plain with a few simple golden designs, not as exquisite as their father's scabbard. 

He sighed, tearing his gaze away from his beautiful sword. It had become close to night and he was still waiting there for Mulan. It should be expected though. How would small Mulan fit in clothes meant for men. 

He closed his eyes, enjoying the blissful silence and the cold night.

By the time he opened his eyes, it was now night and Mulan had left the tent, making her way towards him. He let out a sigh of relief, finally being able to walk around. He walked towards her, stretching his legs, wincing when they cracked. 

"Sorry for taking so long" she said, breaking the silence. 

"It's nothing" he said. 

"It's just what twin brother do" he said, grinning at her.

She sighed and lowered her head. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"How could I not" he exclaimed. "I'm getting to spend some time with my baby brother" he replied, emphasizing the words baby brother. She groaned, her face twisting in frustration.

"I'm risking dishonor to the Hua name. I'm going off to fight in a battle where..." she paused, not finishing the sentence.

Sheng's expression turned serious. "I know. That's why I came with you. If we do something, we do it together" he said, his eyes boring into hers. 

As they walked along, searching for their tent. Their noses wrinkled at the smell surrounding them. Sweat, unwashed clothes, and under cooked meat. Even as hungry as he was, Sheng did not find the smell fueling his appetite, instead, it made him queasy. Sheng began to think of home, the nice meals his mother would cook. He wished desperately to return, even if he had to train his chi while his father would watch, his gaze full of love and pride. 

Shaking his head, he pushed away the thoughts of home and his father. It would not do well to dwell on his past and think of those thoughts, they would only make him desperate to return home. 

He smiled as he spotted their assigned tent, Mulan pulling him along. Immediately, he wished he hadn't entered with her. In front of them, men were joking and laughing with each other. Undressed. He wished he could sweep Mulan away and take her home but instead he could only watch in horror as she looked around, her face red. 

Keeping their eyes down, they made their way through the tent. Other then the soldiers, the tent was empty, the only furniture occupying the space being their sleeping platforms. Spotting two sleeping platforms, Sheng pulled Mulan along but stopped in his tracks, a man bumping into her. Sheng turned his gaze toward the man, holding back a groan as he realized that it was Cricket and with him was Longwei.

Before any of them could talk, the larger conscript that had been bullying them earlier appeared, a huge smile spreading across his face, looking towards Longwei and Cricket. He grabbed both of them in a headlock and pulled them towards the rowdy conscripts.

He followed Mulan as she walked towards the sleeping platforms, his eyes narrowing as he saw her gaze lock on Honghui. His eyes darkened as he saw Honghui lock eyes with Mulan, his expression turning into one of disdain. 

Sheng watched as Mulan opened her mouth to say something to Honghui but before she had the chance, a booming voice broke through the ruckus.

"I told you to line up for showers!" he said, his tone angry.

"Shower?" Mulan and Sheng repeated, panic flooding through them both.

Sergeant Qiang nodded. "Showers! You lot stink!"

As Sheng and other conscripts lined up, eager to wash the stink off themselves. Mulan fidgeted with her armor. She couldn't take a shower. Her secret would be revealed and they would be in serious trouble.

"And I need a volunteer for night guard duty-"

Mulan's hand shot up in the air. "Me!" she said, her voice too eager for the mundane task. "I mean, I volunteer, sir." 

Sheng let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing. 

"Better keep an eye out," Honghui warned, not sounding concerned. 

Po nodded."Those northern invaders eat tadpoles," he added.

Sheng gave them a heated glare, biting back a snarky comeback. He couldn't let them see his anger, doing so would only fuel their satisfaction.

Sheng watched them go, sending Mulan a reassuring glance. She was on the first line of defense against the invaders, causing worry to bubble in Sheng's stomach. He sent her one last glance, making his way towards the showers, his thoughts running wild with worry for Mulan. 

He bit his lip. "How are we going to do this Mulan" he whispered. "I'll make sure we make it home" he added, reassuring himself.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Where stories live. Discover now