Part 30

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Far out, a shimmering hologram of the imposing Horde Prime materialized in front of the people of Etheria, casting an eerie glow in the dim surroundings. The air crackled with tension as his voice echoed through the area, filled with a mixture of authority and superiority.

Horde Prime: Rejoice, Etheria, for Prime has graced you with his presence. Do not cower in fear, for you have been given a chance to partake in a world soon to be transformed into my perfect vision. But first, you must prove your worthiness. Your leaders, your She-Ra, your He-Man, they would have you suffer in darkness for their sake. Cast aside these false heroes and deliver them to me. Prime sees all. Prime knows all. They will not escape my judgment.

Meanwhile, Y/n ventured towards Adora's quarters, concerned about her well-being. Upon entering, Y/n noticed that she was still visibly unwell. However, before Y/n could express their worry, Adora suddenly rose from her bed, determination etched upon her face as she descended to the ground.

Y/n: Adora, what are you doing? You need to rest and regain your strength.

Adora: *Straining through his voice* I must go and save Glimmer... *Groans*

Y/n: Adora, you cannot keep pushing yourself like this. The more you deny yourself the rest you need, the slimmer our chances become of rescuing Glimmer.

Adora: She needs our help. We have to save her.

Y/n: And we will, my friend. That is a promise. But for now, you must take a brief respite. All you need is a short nap to aid in your recovery. So, please, allow yourself some rest.

With utmost care, Y/n guided Adora back into her bed, gently tucking her in. Placing a comforting hand on her forehead, Y/n channeled a soothing energy, hoping to lull her into a peaceful slumber.

Once satisfied that Adora was settled, Y/n made their way back outside to rejoin the others, their thoughts lingering on the impending rescue mission and the daunting presence of Horde Prime. The stakes had been raised, and the urgency to save Glimmer had grown stronger.

Y/n: We must remain vigilant, my comrades. Horde Prime's words only strengthen our resolve. We will not let him succeed in his twisted vision. Together, we shall devise a plan to rescue Glimmer and thwart his wicked schemes. Let us gather our strength, both physical and mental, for the battle ahead.

The group exchanged determined glances, their spirits bolstered by Y/n's unwavering confidence. Each member understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of their unified efforts. As they huddled together, ideas and strategies began to form, intertwining their unique talents and abilities.

Y/n: Excellent. Let us refine our plan and make it a reality. Remember, my friends, we fight not only for Glimmer but for the freedom and hope of all Etheria. No darkness, no hologram, no twisted dictator can extinguish the light within us. We stand as one against the forces of evil.

Y/n: Adora hasn't fully recovered yet, but he is certainly making progress. So, Bow, are you confident that Adora will recover in time, and that we'll have a chance to save Glimmer?

Bow: Absolutely. All Adora needs right now is some rest.

Y/n: I can understand Adora's eagerness to rescue Glimmer. It's a testament to his loyalty and determination.

Bow: I know, but we must allow him to get the proper rest he needs. We can't afford to risk anything else. Understood?

Y/n: Yeah, I understand.

Bow: Good. Now, I want you to ensure that he gets the rest he needs, okay?

Y/n nodded in agreement before settling in to keep an eye on Adora. He couldn't bear to leave him alone, fully aware of how much he cared for him. Y/n waited patiently, hoping for any sign of movement or sound from Adora. He observed Adora's limp form, realizing that he wouldn't wake up anytime soon. With a gentle caution, Y/n stepped back, careful not to disturb him further. He took a few steps away, but then he heard a faint noise, causing him to immediately return to Adora's side. He found Adora awake in his room, appearing tired and exhausted. It was clear that she had overexerted herself while taking out the majority of the bots.

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