Part 27

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Shadow Weaver: Maintain the connection. That's right. Stay focused.

Double Trouble: Does this usually take so long? I never require this much rehearsal. Maybe sorcery just isn't your calling.

Shadow Weaver: Do not allow them to distract you.

Glimmer: [grunting] I did it. I mean, of course I did. It's a truth spell. Don't bother fighting it. Just tell me everything you know about the Horde's plans.

Double Trouble: [groaning] Yes. I can resist no longer. I shall tell you the truth. The truth is...that outfit really isn't working for you. Oh, and magic isn't either.

Glimmer: [groans]

Double Trouble: Aw. Your little spell failed. You believed my performance, though. I can tell. It's called acting. That's the real magic here.

Glimmer: Ugh.

Bright Moon Guard: Adora has returned and called a meeting of the Princess Alliance.

Glimmer: Adora's back?

Double Trouble: Adora called a meeting? Can she do that? I thought you were the queen.

Adora*: I guess I should be working on my Adora impression. She's clearly the leader here. Hmm. Is the hair poof high enough?

Cuts to next scene.

The group gathered around the table, eyes fixed on the hologram.

Perfuma: That's really going to happen? To Etheria? To- to us?

Y/n: I'm afraid so. The heart of Etheria nearly destroyed everyone in Mara's time. And it's gotten stronger, more volatile over the centuries. If it goes off now... we have to make sure it never goes off again.

Mermista groans.

Frosta: So, how do we stop it?

Shadow Weaver walks in.

Shadow Weaver: Stop it? The real question is how do you intend to use this to your advantage?

Adora: Uh, we're not. You saw the simulation. We have to disable it.

Shadow Weaver: And throw away such power? Perhaps the First Ones were fools for storing so much raw energy at the heart of the planet. But now that it's there...

Glimmer: What if there was a way to channel that magic ourselves?

Shadow Weaver: The princesses are powerful. But with that magic, they would be unstoppable.

Glimmer: We'd be supercharged. We could take down the Horde.

Adora: Are you seriously considering this? You heard Y/n. It's an unstable super weapon. Tampering with it is way too dangerous.

Y/n: Yes, and we can't afford to put everyone at risk.

Glimmer: Dangerous? Every day, the Horde claims more territory, we're running out of options. So I say we get Light Hope to tell us how it works and take our power back.

Adora: All she wants us to set the weapon off. Are you even listening to us?

Y/n: You know what? Five-minute break.

Cuts ti the horde.

Catra was checking everyone in the horde. Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle walks in.

Catra: What are you doing?

Lonnie: We just got back. The eastern Wuadeant is secured. No rebel activity.

Catra: While you were out in the field, did you see anyone? Anything else?

Lonnie: Just lots of tired soldiers.

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