Part 19

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Y/n, Bow, and Glimmer are standing in front of Mara's ship, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement. Adora and Huntara stand nearby, both eager to see what secrets this ancient ship holds.

Adora: (looking up at the ship) I can't believe I'm finally here, in front of Mara's ship.

Glimmer: (impressed) How did you know this was Mara's ship?

Adora: (grinning) Light Hope showed me a vision of this ship crashing, right before the stars disappeared.

Huntara: (curious) Who is this Mara you keep mentioning?

Adora: (proudly) She was the last She-Ra, the one who came before me.

Bow: (excitedly) A First Ones ship! Can you imagine all the amazing things it must contain?

Huntara: (jokingly) Or it could be empty. That's always a possibility.

Adora: (determined) No, this can't be it. There has to be more to this ship.

Glimmer: (noticing the ship's surroundings) Has this ship always been here?

Huntara: (explaining) The Crimson Waste was hit with a massive dust storm, and when it cleared, this ship was unearthed.

Bow: (realizing) And then people came and took everything they could get their hands on.

Huntara: (shrugging) Hey, if they didn't want things stolen, they should have bolted them down better. Besides, this ship is considered haunted. No one comes here anymore.

Mara's voice: She-Ra. Etheria. Gone.

Glimmer and Bow gasp in surprise, while Adora and Y/n look around, trying to find the source of the voice.

Adora: (urgent) Where is that voice coming from? And where's the door to this room? This ship is massive, but this room is tiny.

Y/n: (excitedly) Don't worry, Adora. I've got this.

Y/n's Sword of Protection transforms into a shield and he uses it to find the hidden door. He opens it, causing a swarm of bats to fly out, screeching loudly.

All: (shouting and ducking)

Mara's voice: She-Ra. Etheria. Gone.

As the bats fly away, they step into the room, their eyes wide with awe.

Glimmer: (whispering) This is amazing.

Bow: (nervously) I hope there aren't any more surprises waiting for us.

Y/n: (smirking) Don't worry, Bow. I'll protect you.

Huntara: (impressed) You know, for a First Ones ship, this room is pretty small. But there must be something important here if Mara's voice is coming from this ship.

Adora: (determined) We'll have to search every inch of this ship until we find out what happened to Mara and what message she has for me.

Y/n: (nodding) And I'll be right by your side, Adora. We're in this together.

As they continue their search, Y/n proves to be a valuable member of the team with his quick thinking and witty comments. Together, they navigate through the ship and uncover the truth about Mara and the fate of Etheria. And Y/n's presence and contributions are vital in their journey to bring peace to their world.

As the hologram of Mara and Noata appears before them, Y/n and Adora share an exchange of excited glances. They know that this could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Etheria and they are eager to listen to what the hologram has to say.

Glimmer: (wide-eyed) This is it. This is the same message from my tracker pad.

Bow: (excitedly) And it's a message from Mara and Noata, the legendary She-Ra and He-Man.

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