Part 2

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You examined the form you were currently in. You were astonished by the power you possessed. You glanced at Adora, seeing that she was just as she had always been.

Y/n: What is this?

When the massive monster's arm loomed before you, you ducked beneath it and sliced through it with one swift stroke. The beast roared in pain. You wore a smug expression on your face as it grew angrier, grinning widely. This was going to be a fun fight, you thought to yourself. It lunged at you, but you leaped out of the way, leaving it to crash into the ground.

Y/n: What? You really think that I would let you get me that easily? I suppose you have a good taste in humans?

You used your sword to sever the hand. Roaring in pain, the monster tried to attack you again, but you cut it in half before it even had the chance.

Y/b: Well, what did I tell you? I didn't even have to go all out for that.

Glimmer: How did you do that?

Y/n: What are you talking about? I just used my sword like I always do.

Glimmer: No, you're a giant man.

Y/n: Well, I did grow a lot because I eat a lot. What? Are you calling me fat or what?

Glimmer: Will you just quit playing with me already?

Y/b: Why would I do that? I found it to be quite fun. Oh, and excuse me, princess, we wouldn't have to come to this if you would have just behaved.

Glimmer: What do you mean by behave? You don't own me.

Y/n: Well, I might as well do since I am a horde soldier and you are the rebellion. You were giving us problems. All we wanted was peace, and you wouldn't give that to us.

Glimmer: I'm sorry that your kind wanted to wipe out the galaxy and attack innocent people.

Y/n: I have not the slightest clue what you are talking about. We do no such thing. What makes you think that we would do that?

Bow: And you do realize that they are called the evil horde.

Y/n: You guys are the funniest rebels I have ever met.

Glimmer: Was your friend always like this?

Adora: Well, I'll be honest, he can kinda be a jerk sometimes.

Y/n: I know that both of you like me a lot.

Bow: So what do you suppose that we do with them?

Glimmer: We're just going to have to bring them with us.

Bow: Okay, maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to bring horde soldiers there.

Y/n: Okay, I think that I will take care of that.

You removed your shirt and covered yourself with some grass while Adora wore a cape over herself. Once you were in town, you noticed that it was nothing like on your planet.

Y/n: Are you telling me that you think you can fool me with all of this? What are you up to?

Glimmer: We aren't trying to fool anyone. We know that you are fighting for the wrong team.

Y/n: Don't get me wrong, I think that you guys are great, but you're just starting to make me angry right now.

Glimmer: Are we making you angry? You are the one that is mocking us.

Y/n: I know, but I find it one of my favorite things to do. So anyways, I would like to try what you have here.

You sampled the food they had and found that it wasn't all that bad. You thought that these people weren't so bad after all.

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