Part 12

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Scene opens in the Whispering Woods.

Y/n: (Walking alongside Adora, Glimmer, and Bow) Entrapta's decision to join the Horde is hard to wrap my head around. I wonder if there's more to her choice.

Adora: (Sighs) She always had a fascination with technology, but aligning with the Horde just feels wrong.

Glimmer: We can't change it now. Our focus should be on helping our people.

Bow: Right. We have a mission to complete.

Y/n: (Chuckles) True, Bow. Who needs Entrapta's tech when you have Y/n, the archery expert and tech enthusiast, right here?

[The arrow Y/n is holding catches on fire, and smoke billows from it.]

Y/n: (Smirking) Okay, maybe I went a bit overboard with that one.

Swift Wind: (Neighing) Hey, folks! I spotted some structures nearby. Looks like the outpost isn't far.

[Glimmer clenches her fists.]

Glimmer: Entrapta's choice is a blow, but we can't let it distract us. We lost contact with the Alwyn farming outpost, and while we're unsure about the Horde's involvement, we can't take chances.

Adora: (Muttering) It's like the Horde's always lurking.

Glimmer: We'll face whatever comes our way, just like we always do. Our unity is our strength.

Bow: You're spot on, Glimmer. We're the Best Friend Squad, no matter what.

[Everyone turns to Bow.]

Bow: Alright, maybe the name's not the best.

[Everyone chuckles, and they continue walking. Adora takes a moment to gaze at the trees swaying in the wind.]

Next scene.

Scene opens in the Fright Zone.

[Zane strolls into Hordak's Sanctum, exuding an air of confidence.]

Catra: (Looking up) Zane, what are you doing here?

[Zane smirks and leans against a wall.]

Zane: Just thought I'd grace you with my presence, Catra. Is that a problem?

[Hordak emerges from the shadows, his robotic voice echoing.]

Hordak: State your business, Zane.

[Zane smirks wider and approaches Hordak.]

Zane: Oh, just thought I'd check in on the big boss. You know, see if you've finally figured out how to rule this sorry excuse of a planet.

[Imp watches them with an amused expression.]

Hordak: Your mockery is tiresome, Zane. Speak your purpose or leave.

[Zane chuckles, clearly unfazed.]

Zane: No need to get all prickly, Hordak. I've got a proposition for you. A way to take down the Rebellion without even breaking a sweat.

[Catra raises an eyebrow, intrigued.]

Hordak: (Curious) Go on.

Zane: (Smirking) Picture this: a Horde army armed with bots that can adapt and learn from their enemies. No more predictable attacks. No more failures. Just pure victory.

[Hordak's mechanical eyes light up with interest.]

Hordak: Intriguing. Explain the concept in detail.

[Zane takes a step closer, laying out his plan with enthusiasm.]

Zane: Each bot would be equipped with state-of-the-art technology that analyzes the combat styles of our enemies and adapts in real time. It's like having an army of ever-evolving soldiers at our disposal.

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