Part 9

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You felt the splitting head ache that you had ever since you woke. The first person that you looked for is Adora. You looked all over the place for her but you couldn't find her anywhere. The person that answered you was Zane.

Zane: I know who you are looking for. You are looking for the princess of yours. You can forget about trying to get her cause she won't be hearing all of your pathetic little cry for help.

Y/n: You know, you always make me wanna laugh right now.

Zane: Oh really and why is that?

Y/n: Becasue you think that you are the boss of everyone. Big deal that you have me locked up with here. You know that evil never wins.

Zane: Evil never wins. Oh really? You know that you have only heard that in the stories. Now you are the one that is gonna make me wanna laugh right now.

Y/n: You know that you have to give up right now cause you can't win like this. We will find a way to stop you. That is something that is will promise you.

Zane let out a loud little laughter,

Zane: O hope that you have a good little time in there and please do not do any dumb in there and don't get cold in there.

Zane walked out as his frieends follow me behind. He felt someone bumped right into him.

Zane: Which one of you idiots bumped right into me?

Lonnie: Really Kyle?

Kyle looked angry and sad at the same time that he is the one that is taking the blame. Zane just ignored them and called them idiots like he always do. He knows the rebellions could be coming soon and he cannot wait to show them what he can do. Zane looked at Catra. He knows that she can be really bossy sometimes but he is the one that is the boss around here.

Zane: Hey, make sure that you are getting the spot really well that's all. Now go and make sure your work is done.

She can't believe that she is getting all of this from him right now.

Catra: Oh, so you think that you are the boss now?

Zane: Maybe. I truly think that you are a great leader but I think that I am the one that is better and I am way coooler than you. Oh and by the way, my plans and all the equipment that I ahve are you at better than yours. I bet the rebellions are here right now. If they are here right now, it is up to us to stop them. I will be the one that is one the lookout while you work on the tools.

When Zane was now on the look, he suspected that there is no one there, but he saw someone. He decided that he should yell.

Zane: Hey. I know that I see you punks there so it is best that you come right out of hiding.

The person that he was talking to put in quite an accent.

???: I am so sorry. We were late on the job and I will always sure that it won't happen again.

It appears to have fooled him but it was all apart of his trick. He wanted to make the person think that he was was fooled and so he grabbed the person right out of their hiding.

Zane: I know that you would come back here.

It was Adora who was hiding and putting on the accent.

Adora: Umm....  oh look a spider....

Zane looked in confusion to what she was trying to do.

Zane: Did you really think that I would fall for that?

Adora: Maybe.

Zane: Maybe there will be some times for tricks once you have come with us.

He was about to grab her but something hit him right on the head.

Zane: Okay, now who did that?

This gave Adora the chance to hit him right on the head with an object, knocking him out.

Adora: Okay. Now we have to go and find the others.

It didn't take long for her to find the room that you were in.

Adora: Y/n.

Y/n: Adora, I could that I could always count on you.

Adora: I will j we leave you behind. You know that right?

Y/n: Right. Because you j me that you can't do all of this on your own and you could really use someone that can help you with all of this.

Adora: You really are an idiot sometimes but you're my idiot.

Adora tried to get you out of there but she couldn't find anything that could get the lock off right now. Oh there is some thing that she can do, she took her sword and sliced the the cage right off.

Y/n: Okay.

Adora: Here. You should be needing this.

She handed you your sword. Now that you have the sword, you now transformed into He-man. Okay, you should be okay to leave the building right now once you have taken Bow out of there. You heard some noises and then after that, you heard some explosion. You looked at Zane to turn see that he had a remote in his hand.

Zane: Dod you really think that it would be easy. I really thought better if all of you. It was a fun little ride but I think it is time that we end it all right here right now.

Zane fled while the place was gonna blow right up now. It didn't have to wrest hey the way cause Bie was now dress by the others and you can now. He kept running and running until you are almost near the exits. But it was blocked. You are still He-man and he is okay for you to lift up the object but it was way too heavy for you right at he Mormont so She ra helped you. Even with the strength of both you and She-ra the object was way too strong for you. You were able to get the object right out of the way but you and Adora were still behind. The object fell down and there was even more object that was in the air at that not even She-ra and He-man could lift it up. It looks like you're gonna have to stay behind for a wild. You grabbed Adair by the band walked all around the place. While you were running, you accidentally bumped right into Catra and fell right down the the edge. You looked at Adora and Catra who were both screaming while you had a really calm expression right in your face. You got your back really hard but you are okay. The fall was really hard but it wasn't all that high. You grabbed Adora and ran right out of the place. You have no idea where you are gong right now. The only thing that you find was a secret little base. You hid inside of it so that the horde could not find you there. You and her both looked out there and saw that coast is clear. You and her want to leave but before the both of you could do so, the ground that the two do you were standing in broke and now you were in some sort of lab. You looked in a way the lab and wanted to take a closer look at it. You and Adora didn't have enough time to take a look at the lab because there were robots everywhere. Well, it looks like you will have get your chance some other time then you suppose.

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