Part 36

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It was a wonderful time to back.  Hoping that you could be able to meet everyone again and see how they are doing. Glimmer seems to be having a blast since she got her magic powers back.

Glimmer: I missed this.

Catra: Really? Cause I could stand to never do it again.

Y/n: Come on. Don't be such a sour puss.

You pulled with her ears before she smacked your hand and hissed at you. Meanwhile Wrong Hordak began to flourish the beauty of the place.

Wrong Hordak: This place is a true blessing. What is this tingling sensation?

Bow: That's warmth, buddy. Welcome to a living.

Adora: Hey, I think you guys should take a look at this.

Taking a deeper look in, everyone saw that camps were destroyed and there is no one there.

Glimmer: No. where is everyone?

Adora: There was a fight.

Entrapta: Makes sense. Perfuma said the rebellion was compromised. If someone in camp got chipped and went after the rest, it would've been chaos.

Seeing a helmet on the ground, Adora picked it up.

Y/n: Adora, what if there is no one left?

Adora: We don't know that. They might have just moved camp. Wherever they are, we need to find them.

Y/n: Guys, I don't know what we should do. What if they all got chipped. We have to fight our own friends.

Glimmer: No, that can't be it maybe they went back to Bright Moon? Or maybe my dad took them to hide out in Mystacor?

Catra: We can't just traipse into your old hangouts and play nice with your pals. We don't know who's chipped.

Glimmer: (Sarcastically)Wow, you don't trust the Princesses? I am shocked.

Y/n: Yeah, who would have guessed?

Entrapta: Really? Huh, it seems very in character for her.

Adora: Catra's right. We should gather intel first so we don't fall into a trap.

Y/n: And if it does come to that, remember we will always have each other to count on.

You placed your hand on Adora's shoulders.

Bow: Erelandia is the closest village to camp. Maybe someone there knows what happened.

Glimmer: I'm on it.

Glimmer grabbed a whole of everyone and transported them somewhere else.

Catra: Hie about a warning next time?

Glimmer:(Chuckles) Sorry. Welcome to....

Before she could finish, she took a look at the place and saw that it was now taken by Horde Prime.

Glimmer: Erelandia.

Y/n: This can't be.

Horde Prime's ship.

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