Part 20

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The scene opens in Bright Moon's council chamber, where Y/n is teleported into the room by Glimmer. The other members of the Rebellion are already present, discussing their plans to attack the Horde.

Mermista (shouts) as her chair tips over: (surprised) Oh, you're already here. Perfect.

Glimmer: (exhausted) Yeah. Where have you been? Is this some new She-Ra form?

Y/n: (smirks) No, just me. And I have some important news about Adora.

Queen Angella: (concerned) The world doesn't stop just because you aren't here. We have been planning our attack on the Horde.

Y/n: (serious) That's a relief, because Catra has kidnapped Adora.

All: (gasp)

Queen Angella: (shocked) The Horde has Adora?

Glimmer: (explains) Which also means they can open a portal because they have her sword.

Queen Angella: (confused) What? I don't understand.

Y/n: (urgently) There's no time to waste. We need to go to the Fright Zone now.

Queen Angella: (hesitant) We? You are not going anywhere until you explain. Y/n, outside. Now.

Y/n: (proudly) Of course, Your Highness. (to the others) Adora needs our help. We can't waste any more time.

The scene opens in Hordak's sanctum, where Zane is working on a new suit for Hordak while Entrapta observes.

Hordak: (grunts)

Entrapta: This suit may be my best work yet.

Hordak's suit (glitches, zaps)

Hordak: (shouts)

Entrapta: No reason to get in a tizzy.

Hordak: (irritated) I have never been in a tizzy.

Entrapta: (excitedly) You can't expect everything to work perfectly overnight. Like our machine. We still haven't figured out the missing piece that'll let us cut through the planetary interference. If we try now, the portal might not be stable long enough to get anyone through.

Hordak: (sighs) We only need to open a portal for a short time. Long enough to send a signal through to Horde Prime. Once he receives it, he should have no trouble opening a portal from his side.

Entrapta: (determined) And then you'll have to go with them. But there's still so much data we could collect. What's the rush? We'll just keep working on it until it's perfect.

Doors open

Zane: (smirks) Well, well, well. Look who it is.

Adora: (muffled grunts)

Entrapta: (gasps) Zane! What are you doing here?

Zane: (proudly) I'm here to help the Horde, of course. And I have some valuable information for Hordak.

Catra: (smirks) What? Heh. Didn't expect to see me again?

Entrapta: (intrigued) Oh, you have a whip now?

Catra: (serious) Focus. I got what you needed. This sword is the key to the whole planet.

Entrapta: (excitedly) I suppose it makes sense. She-Ra's sword is First Ones tech, maybe the most powerful I've ever seen. All this time, this was the key that we needed. I guess I should figure out how it works.

Catra: (snaps fingers) I brought you everything you need to open a portal and finish the Princesses off for good. What are we waiting for?

Zane: (smirks) Patience, my dear Catra. We must make sure our plan is foolproof. We can't afford any mistakes.

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