Part 16

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In the frozen expanse of the Northern Reach, a Horde outpost stands firm against the relentless blizzard. The Horde flag flutters defiantly on its pole. Inside the well-equipped lab, Entrapta's fingers dance across the keyboard as she types away. Her chair swivels between consoles as she dives into her work, and the rhythmic clacking of the keyboard echoes in the room. Catra enters, her breath visible in the frigid air, and she shivers involuntarily.

Zane: (enters alongside Catra, his tone commanding) You two seem to be having a fascinating time. Progress, I hope?

Entrapta: Well, well, Catra! Did you have a nice nap?

Catra: (groans, slams her hand on the table) Can you explain why this is dragging on forever? You mentioned there's First Ones tech here. So, where is it?

Entrapta: You've got it a bit mixed up, my friend. I never specifically said "tech." I merely pointed out that a chunk of First Ones technology is buried beneath the ice here. (she pushes off the table, excitement clear in her voice) And let me tell you, it's quite the remarkable piece! The energy readings we've picked up suggest it could have been part of the First Ones' supercomputer.

Catra: (as Entrapta continues to type) Just... keep working. (enunciates) Hordak won't be pleased if we waste his time and return with nothing to show for it.

Entrapta: (half-scolding tone) A real scientist always brings something back. (her voice becomes more animated) There's always data to gather!

Zane: (addressing Catra) Wise words, Catra. We mustn't underestimate the value of knowledge.

Catra: (unamused) I didn't come out here to freeze for a bunch of data. Find something useful, or we'll pack up and leave. (she starts walking away, and the scene transitions to the blizzard outside) This place is starting to seriously creep me out.

(Outside, within the blizzard's fury, a creature bursts through the snow with a resounding roar.)

New scene.

[On the ocean, the ship called the Dragon's Daughter Five skims the water; Sea Hawk and the BFS are aboard]

Sea Hawk: Proudly, The Dragon's Daughter Five! She cuts a fine line on the sea, does she not?

Bow: (raising an eyebrow) Wait, what happened to the Dragon's Daughter Four? ...Oh, oh, oh! Was it (puts on an air) adventure?

Sea Hawk: Sadly, no. Termites. I couldn't save the old girl. (more chipper) Anyway, I'm honored to be a part of another daring mission for the Rebellion!

Y/n: (grinning) Well, who could resist joining a crew led by the one and only Sea Hawk? Adventure seems to follow you around.

Sea Hawk: Triumphantly, yes, it does! (chuckles slightly, then more downtrodden) Truth be told, I was... glad to have something to do. Mermista canceled our plans this week and she's hanging out with her other friends, and didn't invite me to join, I...

Glimmer: (teleports next to him and he gasps) Supportively, well... let this mission distract you from all that. We've received reports of Horde activity from the Northern Reach. They've set up some kind of outpost, but we have no idea know why.

Bow: (nodding) The Northern Reach is nothing but snow and ice. What could they possibly be doing?

Y/n: (thoughtfully) Yeah, it's definitely fishy. Maybe they're after something buried beneath the ice? Or perhaps they're testing some new tech that thrives in extreme conditions.

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