Part 33

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Now it's time that you face Prime now. It's time you get to meet the person who is responsible for all of this destruction face to face. The others were in there with you. You bet that Zane would be more than happy to see you.  You know that you're not gonna be too glad to see Catra but something that you don't want to forgive is just worth forgiving him. Now that you were greeted by his clone, it's time that you  see Horde Prime.

Adora: Prime.

He was sitting down on his throne while he was recharging. You got to admit he does look quite not the sight of good seeing.

Horde Prime: Ah yes, Adora, Y/n.

Y/n: If I do get I say, I have to say that you don't look so well.

Horde Prime: Forgive me for my unseemly state. It's tedious task but necessary in order to maintain this vessel.

Adora: This is how it's gonna go. We're gonna make a deal. You're gonna give us Catra and you're gonna let out of here free and clear. There is something that you want. Something that could only be activated by She-ra herself. The heart of Etheria. Now if you don't do what I say, then I will use it and destroy you and your emperor for good.

Prime laid his eyes upon you and Adora before letting out a huge laugh

Adora: Something funny?

Horde Prime: Oh please, you are not gonna use the weapon or you would have done so by now. You would risk the safety of your dear Catra.

Y/n: Please, you do not know us. We will do whatever is necessary to take you down.

Horde Prime: Oh, is that so. I know that there is no love loss between you and her.

Y/n: Hmm. Adora is the one that feels that way. Not me. She still think of her as her friend. I didn't want anything to do with her. At first. You don't know who the type of person that I am.

Horde Prime: But I a do.

He was done recharging.

Horde Prime: You see child, I am old. Far older than you can imagine. My brothers lend me their life force and when one vessel fails me. I simply elect another. This prime has reigned eternal through the centuries.

His long talk was long and you did have enough of his talking because you would like to move on and for him to get to the point. After he was done talking, he showed you Catra who seemed to be made one of them.

Adora: Catra.... what did you do to her?

Zane came from behind her.

Zane: Do not worry, I have made her apart of us all. I have made her mind. She belongs to me.

He pressed his lips against hers.

Adora: Get away from her.

Zane: You're gonna have to make me.

Without thinking, she went in after him. In her attempt to land a punch on him, he moved out of the way and tosses her aside like she was nothing.

Zane: is that really all you got She-ra?

She tried to kick him in the face but he just grab her leg and yet again tosses her. You came up behind and swung your sword around at him. Before you could even get the chance, he activated his arm laser canon and shoot you down to the ground.

Zane: Don't even think about transforming because that would just make it better for me. Now Catra. Attack.

Catra: As you wish master.

Catra did as what she was told and started to attack Adora. Adora was so reluctant to hurt Catra despite all that she had done to her.

Adora: Catra, I don't want to hurt you.

Y/b: But I do.

You went charging full at Catra and tosses her into a wall as hard as you could.

Adora: Y/n, stop it.

Y/n: Don't feel like it.

You looked just in time to see Zane coming right at you with a battle axe. You dodged the axe just perfect just like that. He punched Zane in the face but it was like he just blocked out the damage. It appears that you won't be able to make him hurt.  He activated his arm canon and charged up a powerful blast right into your direction. Moving quickly so that the blast did hit you. He turned his sight right on Adora as she was fighting Catra. She shot at Adora but he ended up missing in the process. You tried to gain a hit on Zane but he moved so fast and jumped up into the air. He moved back a bit. While Catra was still fighting Adora, he grabbed her by the neck.

Zane: Adora, you are so naive. You came all this way so that you could save the one person that hurt you so much. Now I have to tell you was it all worth it.

Adora send him an angry glare as she was gripping her hand.

Zane:Hm. I suppose she could remain useful to me like this but she is probably outdoing her useful. I should have know this the second she betrayed me. If you want her, you can have her if you want. That is if you could catch her.

He tosses her over the edge.

Adora: No!

Adora went in after Catra.

Y/n: Adora no!

Zane: If I were you, I would pay more attention in front of what is happen into right in front of me pal.

Y/n: I'm done with this. By the power of gray skull.

Before you could the chance to transform, you were shot by Zane.

Zane: Oh please, don't tell me that you were planning on transforming. That would take the fun out of everything. And besides I have lost all will of playing with you. It have been fun but you know how boring it for so it's time that I finish you off. Once and for all.

Just as he was charging up, he felt a really bright light. He turn around to see Adora in a new form of She-ra.

Zane: What? It doesn't matter, you will perish just like the rest of them.

When he was charging up, she send a powerful sword wave right at him. This attack send him flying straight into a wall. She recovered furious.

Zane: Now you have done it.

He charged in after her with his battle axe. In response Adora stabbed her sword into the ground and a aided his axe swing and dropped a kick to his face. He turned back around attempted to fire his laser beam into her face but she uses her sword to block out the beam.

Zane: I don't need a sword to kill you. I could kill you with my bare hands.

He started to dodge most of her sword swing and he even manage to land few hits on her. He pushed her back with a strong force. He prepares to fire at her but you pushed back just a few. Adora took her chance to fire a powerful wave followed by a beam from her sword to send him straight into wall. Zane looked at Adora before falling into unconsciousness. Now that Catra was recovered, it was time that you all make it off of Horde Prime's ship.

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