Part 1

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You were only 5 at the time everything was going normal for you. You were raised by Shadow Weaver a long side Adora and Catra. You felt really annoyed at Catra's presence sometimes because she can really get on your nerves.

One time Catra was being bad as usual and it hit you all in trouble.

Catra: I don't know what the big deal really is All I need was just scratch him stupid face. It's not my fault that he was such s big jerk.

Y/n:Well that's your problem there Catra. You should not stoop to his current Level. He maybe be bit of a jerk but you're just making your self no better than he is.

Catra: Well Maybe I wouldn't be like this if he wasn't such a big old jerk.

Adora: Maybe we should go apologize to him.

Y/n:See, Adora here got the right idea here.

You all three of you began walking over to the guy Catra had scratch earlier.

Adora: Hey! We think that your face look like a big old boot.

Adora threw an egg at his face getting him really angry and riled up.

Y/n: Adora no!

The old man took up a stick and chases all of you with his his might.

Y/n: Come on Adora, did you really have to do that?

Adora: Well Y/n, this is really fun.

Well that was youth for you. You were always getting into trouble just because of your fellow friends and how they were always making some trouble.

Y/n: I need to ask you guys why do u always keep hanging out with you two crazies.

You were stopped when your mother was right ahead of you.

Y/n: Oh crap.

Mom: Di you want me to skin you alive?

The old man that was chasing you from earlier came catching up to you guys.

Mom: Please don't worry about them. I'll make sure to discipline them myself.

Old man: Good. Now make sure that those little demon get exactly what they deserve.

Your mom closes the door behind you guys and boy was she not polite by the whole situation.

Mom: Niw, what was that about? You do realize that you couldn't have gotten all of us in trouble! What do you have to say for yourselves?

Y/n: Mom, listen I didn't want anything at all do with it. It was all Catra's and Adora's idea.

Mom: And what? You just followed them?

Y/n: It wasn't like that mom. I tried to get them to apologies but they ended up being for rude.

Catra: Well it wasn't all my fault since that old fart wasn't acting all nice. He was just a jerk though.

Mom: Catra, that's enough. You mustn't go around scratching people.

Catra: He was asking for it. I'd even go ahead and do it again!

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