Part 40

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Adora, heartbroken and unable to comprehend the loss, cradled your lifeless body. She had envisioned the two of you standing together, united against Prime, finally bringing an end to the chaos that had plagued their world.

Adora: For the honor of Grayskull!

With a determined cry, she transformed into She-Ra, refusing to abandon you. Meanwhile, Shadow Weaver's sacrifice seemed to have been in vain, as the lieutenant remained standing strong, his will unbroken. The rest of their friends had been captured by Horde Prime, their hopes seemingly crushed. However, Glimmer and Bow managed to slip away from the villain's grasp.

As the others faced the horrifying prospect of being chipped or executed, a miracle occurred. Entrapta's genius mind had found a way to unchip everyone, allowing them to use their powers to aid each other in escaping from Horde Prime's vessel.

Elsewhere, Catra held onto Zane, who had suffered grave injuries at the hands of the lieutenant. His condition was dire, and even Catra could see that he was fading fast. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, too.

Catra: Zane, hold on... please...

Their world had been turned upside down, but they still held onto the faintest glimmer of hope. They would not give up – not now, not ever. They would find a way to save their friends, defeat Horde Prime, and restore peace to Etheria once and for all.

Catra, her voice trembling with fear and desperation, pleaded with Zane to hold on.

Catra: Zane, you have to stay with me.

Zane: I don't know if I can. I'm sorry. I think I might have broken more than a few bones in my body.

Catra: Listen to me, you're gonna be okay, got it?

Zane: No... I don't think that I will.

Catra: Please... I-I love you... just stay.

Zane's eyes flickered open, revealing the depth of his pain and struggle.

Zane: I love you too.

Their words hung in the air, heavy with emotion and the weight of their uncertain future. With aching tenderness, they leaned in and shared a kiss, clinging to each other in the face of adversity. In that moment, their love shone like a beacon, a testament to their resilience and unwavering devotion. They would face whatever lay ahead, together.

Catra, still grappling with her complex emotions for you and Adora, felt conflicted, believing that she didn't deserve their love

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Catra, still grappling with her complex emotions for you and Adora, felt conflicted, believing that she didn't deserve their love. As they paused to catch their breath, the group prepared to unite against a common enemy.

Horde Prime, still holding Entrapta captive, sought the power of the Heart.

Horde Prime: (Laughing) Ah. I can feel it. The Heart is mine!

Entrapta: You can't know this! The Heart's power is too unstable. It will take you and the whole universe with it!

Despite her warning, Horde Prime remained undeterred.

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