Part 17

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It was night time and you were sleeping in your room. Of course, the horde would attack and it would make you all me in trouble but that doesn't mean that you can't try and enjoy the time that you had. Being He-man and She-Rea is really fun and it sure helps that you are helping all of these people that needed your help and of course, you will continue to do the right thing here and now. While you were in your room, you heard a strong shout. It sounded like it came right from Adora. You went inside of her room and saw someone that you didn't expect to see. It was Shadow Weaver. I hat is she doing here?

Y/n: Shadow Weaver?

It doesn't look like she wanna fight. It looks like she is trying something. Trying to do some sort of mind game that could work on you but it won't right now. She felt right down on the ground. You don't know what game she is playing at right now but you will stand for this. You walked over to Adora in a protective way and make sure that no one would hurt her. You think that it would be great for the others to take a good look at her. You will have to wait still morning and see what the others might think of this.,

Time skip.

Y/n (cheerful and optimistic): This is quite the security operation we've got going on in Bright Moon's hallway.

Queen Angella: Double the perimeter, and triple it at the Moonstone. No one sleeps until we figure out how Shadow Weaver got into the castle.

Castaspella: Why are we stopping here?

Angella(intellectual): It's where we're holding the prisoner, Castaspella.

Y/n: This is your prison?

Angella(friendly): Well, technically it's the spare room, but it is more than adequate as a holding cell. We removed the cushions. (pause) Most of the cushions.

Adora: This is the prison?

Angella(kind): Yes, it's the prison.

Adora: Your Majesty, I know Shadow Weaver. I know her tricks. I need to be there for the interrogation, I'm the only one who –

Angella: Shadow Weaver is dangerous. I will not let that woman near you. Near any of you. You are to stay away from this room.

Adora: But, Your Majesty --

Y/n (voice of reason): Adora, maybe the queen has a point. Shadow Weaver raised you. She knows how to get in your head. We can't risk her manipulating you.

Adora: That won't happen. (yawns) Fine. I guess we should all just head back to bed, get some sleep, heh, let the obviously unqualified Bright Moon Guards handle this.

Bright Moon Guard (yawns)

Y/n (cheerful): You're gonna try and sneak in, aren't you?

Adora: What? No. (chuckles) (panting while running)

Glimmer: No! (Glimmer teleports Adora)

The scene shifts to the interior of Bright Moon's prison.

Shadow Weaver: Where am I? (She touches the magical shield, and it thrums in response) (She grunts)

Angella: You're in the Bright Moon prison.

Shadow Weaver: This is a prison?

Angella: Why does everyone keep asking that? Of course, this is a prison. (groans)

Shadow Weaver: You must be Glimmer's mother. I can tell by the way your voice grows shrill when you scream.

Angella: How dare you?

Castaspella: Shadow Weaver, you will answer for the crimes you committed while teaching my brother.

Shadow Weaver: Ah, yes, sweet, talented Micah.

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