Part 14

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Y/n: There's no time for resting now. We need to take action and protect this area. The Horde is planning an attack, but rest assured, He-Man and She-Ra are en route to shield us.

Bow: Are you absolutely certain that this is the location the Horde will strike next?

Y/n: Yes, I'm absolutely certain.

Everyone casts Y/n an intrigued glance.

Y/n: What's the confusion? I just filled you in on the situation. The Horde's impending assault demands our response. Our mission is to prevent them from gaining control.

Adora: Your attire and hair are different. What's behind the change?

Y/n: Well, you can't stick to the same style forever, can you? I decided it was time for a makeover. A new outfit and a fresh hairdo sounded like a good idea. Sometimes change can be invigorating.

Glimmer: But where did you get that outfit?

Y/n: Oh, while you were all preoccupied, I managed to sneak into Bright Moon. Found a way to create these new clothes.

Glimmer: And what about the Horde symbol? People might mistake you for a Horde member.

Y/n: Don't worry about it. I've dealt with that.

Y/n turns around, revealing a modified emblem resembling a moon and staff.

Adora: Wait, why does your appearance remind me of someone?

Glimmer: Yeah, you're giving me a sense of déjà vu.

Y/n: [smirking] Really? That's intriguing.

Swift Wind: You even sound like someone we know. It's uncanny.

Y/n: [playfully] Maybe I have a doppelgänger out there.

Bow: [walking over] What's all the chatter about?

Y/n: [turning towards Bow, speaking as if teasing] Well, Bow, I see you've joined the conversation.

Bow: [confused] Wait, what? I've been here the whole time.

Y/n: [grinning] Oh, I know you have. Just making sure you're paying attention.

Adora: [looking between Bow and Y/n] Okay, there's something seriously strange going on here.

Glimmer: Yeah, Y/n is wearing Bow's outfit, has his voice, and even looks like him.

Y/n: [raising an eyebrow] Does he now?

Bow: [studying Y/n] Huh, you know, I'm getting a familiar vibe from you. Have we met before?

Y/n: [keeping a straight face] I don't think so, Bow. But I've heard great things about you.

Bow: (nodding)Likewise. It's always good to connect with allies.

Y/n: [smirking] Allies, indeed.

Swift Wind: [whispering to Adora] They seriously look and sound alike. It's eerie.

Adora: [whispering back] Right? It's like he's from another dimension or something.

Glimmer: [whispering to Swift Wind] And yet, they have no idea.

Swift Wind: [whispering] This is going to be interesting.

Y/n: (casually)So, shall we focus on the task at hand? We have an area to protect.

Bow: (nodding)Absolutely. Let's get to it.

Glimmer: [still baffled] Yeah, let's go.

Y/n: [to himself, smirking] This is going to be more entertaining than I thought.

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