Part 10

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You and Adora were in the room that was filled with robots. You pulled out your sword and took out most of the robot. You and Adora are really in for a rough surprise you thought to yourself. You grabbed her by the hand and took her further into the lab. You and her ran so far so that the bots wouldn't be able to know and be able to see you guys.

Y/n: Now, just where are we?

You and Adora looked all around. There is nothing that you need to be seeing now. The only thing that you have to be concerned about is you are gonna be getting out of this lab or what is this strange little place. You guys hide in there because you heard someone coming in. You both had your weapon right in your hand. The person that came in the through the door wasn't the person that you quite expected. It was Catra. Why is she here right now. You were the person that cane forth at her.

Y/n: Catra, why are you here?

Catra: I saw you both come in here. What makes you think that I wouldn't come in here?

Y/n: I know that you are here for a reason. So I say that we settle this right now.

Before you Gus cloud have it out right now, there was a really loud sound. You wondered what it was. It turns out that it was a really large spider. Guess that you have to settle it sometimes later then. You are He-man and She-ra at this time but you don't want to have to go through this again. You grabbed both of Adora and Catra and ran throughout the lab.

Y/n: Man, I really wish that we don't have see anymore spiders.

There was a horde soldier that was standing right in front of you. You swung your hand right at the soldier but your hand went right through. What just happened.

Y/n: Do anyone of you know what is going on?

Adora: Nope.

The soldier then walked off. That was really weird by the way, it was like th soldier. You all looked at the soldier to see what he was doing next. And the next thing that you saw was Adora, you and Catra from when you were children. You all looked so happy at this when you were child. You remember all of the time that Catra and Adora would annoy you so much because of all of the she and Catra has gotten you in trouble along with them.

Y/n: WOW, if I can remember, you guys were the one that were the troublesome ones.

You and them looked all around the place. And you didn't even have the chance to look all around the place it started to collapse all over. It looks like it isn't your lucky day.

Y/n: Adora, I know that you're the one that does all the risky stuff but at least I still have a brain and I am not as crazy as you.

Adora: What do you mean?

Y/n: I know that it comes out all of sudden, but you're the one that is alway headstrong and always the one to make these type of choices. Maybe you need to think about all the other things that could had happened.

Adora: Excuse me, last time I remembered, you're the one that is always running off without a plan.

Y/n:Well I'm sure that you are the one that agrees eith what I am doing and I am sure that you look at Catra a lot and honestly, no one cares if you two are into each other.

Adora: Where did you get that from?

Y/n: Oh nowhere. It's just an idea that I  get when I see you guys talking. Who cares if you guys are together or now. That's right no one. And you know what? I have had enough of this. We have to leave right now and it will be better if we get Catra as prisoner.

You looked right at Catra.

Y/n: Come here Kitty.

Just about when you were gonna go right to her, a voice called for you and Adora.

Y/n: Well I guess that we have to settle this some other time then.

You fired a net and knocked her to the ground. You grabbed her and pulled her into an area. The next thing that you and Adora found was a giant woman. She was like a hologram.

Adora: You were the one that spoke to me.

Y/n: Well lucky you. Cause I didn't see anyone when I was as He-man.

Before you cloud continue on with the hologram, you turned to look right at Catra.

Y/n: Now don't you go anywhere little kitty. If you play nice, I will be more than happy to give you some cat yarn. That is how grateful I am.

Catra: Oh really? Funny.

Y/n: I knew that there a way that I can cheer up my cute little kitty cat.

Adora: I have a question, why have you called me here?

Before she could give Adora her answer, there was some sort of quaking that was going inside of the place. That isn't good so they have to leave right now and the next thing that came up was ankyjer flashback to when they were little kids. Adora was seen covering Catra. You on the other hand wasn't all that happy of what was going on so you took up one heavy mud all and threw right in their faces. That is one of the things that you remembered that you did as a kid. That is something that you would like to do. Anyways enough of the memories right now. It is time that you will be talking about the woman that you have seen. Adora knows the woman as light hope. She is someone that will help Adora. You wish that there is someone that could hemp toque right now and someone that could help you get right out if here. You looked right at Catra:

Y/n: Alright kitty cat, I'm warning you. Don't you dare make a move.

Catra: Oh yeah? And just what are you gonna do about it?

You took out a spray bottle filled with water and you sprayed her with it.

Y/n: Or that. I will give you one good yawn if you promise that you will behave it beside from the water, I can make it something worse.

Catra: Worse? How?

You grabbed her tail and bit down as hard as you can. She screamed and jumped up like an actual cat.

Y/n: Did you really think that I forgot all about that? I found it quite fun to do since when were were kid. You knew for all of the stuff that you guys have gotten me into. I didn't think that it would be easy to forget those. And we have to leave right now.

When you were out of the lab, you saw Catra and how she was distance from you.

Y/n: Catra, what are you doing? You have to come back.

You tried to help her come to her senses and help you all out but all of that is gonna be difficult right now. The only thing that matters right now is that you and Adora are now safe.

Please vote and share. Sorry for the Grammar and the spelling. Still working on it.

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