Where it all Began

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(some prior information important to the story.

Midoryia is quirkless, his mom hates him, he trained himself to be strong without a quirk and fights quirkless, class 1-A dislikes him because he is quirkless, all might hates him despite Midoryia looking up to him, Bakugo is still the same jerk, class 1-A has a very different personality compared to what's canon.

Midoryia is already in UA when this begins he got in through the entrance exam like everyone else.

Oh and all the important events in the story are going to be pushed to the future but are still going to happen in order, like the strength test with Aizawa, all might villain vs hero training, USJ, sports Festival, etc.

Now let's get this started)


Midoryia was walking to school. Despite everyone hating him he generally tried to stay positive though inside he could feel a building rage and sadness. He holds it back most of the time but sometimes it slips.

Whenever it does slip he is Immediately punished after by none other than Katsuki Bakugo.

You could see Midoryia felt helpless in the world but he still deep down wanted to help others. It's why he learned multiple methods of fighting, how to use weapons, and got strong. This analysis skills make him even a better fighter...

It's what all might hates. He hates that a quirkless kid is almost better than his successor, Katsuki Bakugo.
The code words was almost.
Bakugo still over powered Midoryia but a land slide.

Midoryia made his way onto the schools campus, he got glares from all around. They believed he didn't deserve to be at UA. He's quirkless after all. Midoryia would do his best to avoid Bakugo in the morning but to no avail he always ran into him with his crew.

Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero. They also all picked on Midoryia. Midoryia didn't have any friends to defend him either. He was truly alone in the world.

"Look what we have here.
Worthless Deku.
Didn't I tell you to stop coming to UA?! No one likes you, you suck!" Bakugo spat as he punched Midoryia. Midoryia fell to the ground, he knew he couldn't beat Bakugo even if he tries. Even if he used the skills he learned, if he used them against Bakugo all Bakugo would do is go harder. So he took the hits.

"Come on Bakugo we both know he can't do anything to help his sorry self" kirishima laughed. "Aw is he going to cry?" Kaminari hissed.

Sero just sat back and observed, he was too tired to associate himself with this fight. Bakugo kicked Midoryia having one for all active, he cracked one of Midoryia's ribs. Midoryia let out a cry of pain as he fell to the ground sobbing. This went on for a couple minutes until class has to start.

Midoryia was left beat up on the ground. Midoryia forced himself to get up, wiping the blood that trickled from his nose and lip. He looked at his bruised ribs and winced in pain as he tried to walk.

But he forced himself to get to class.

"You're 10 minutes late" Aizawa hissed. Snickers could be heard within the classroom as they all glared at Midoryia. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" Midoryia said. "It's the 10th time you said that. And each time you come here looking like a mess? What's the deal?" Aizawa asked.

Bakugo gave Midoryia a sadistic glare basically telling him that if he snitched he would get a horrible beating.

"I... Fell down the stairs on my way up" Midoryia lied. "Every day?" Aizawa asked. "Yeah... I'm clumsy sorry" Midoryia said. Aizawa sighed, "take your seat".

Midoryia forced himself to walk to his seat which just so happened to be right behind Bakugo and to the side of

Midoryia winced in pain as he tried to position himself in a way that would stop the pulsing pain in his ribs.

While Aizawa wasn't looking Sero shot tape at Midoryia's side, well knowing that's where he cracked his rib. Midoryia held back and intense scream as tears streamed down his face. He burried his head into his arms and fell asleep.

Class was shortly over. Midoryia was all alone in the classroom...
Another big mistake.

Midoryia was painfully woken up by a slap to the face by none other than Tenya Iida. A red Mark was left on his already bloody face. Iida then left the room.

Midoryia looked at the time. It was time for lunch. He went to grab his stuff when he was suddenly electrocuted. He turned around to see Kaminari, kirishima, and Bakugo.

Aizawa was no where in sight.

Midoryia looked up at Bakugo, some of his anger slipped through his eyes. Bakugo noticed the subtle glare Midoryia gave and got mad...

"Who do you think you are Deku? You think you're all tough? I'll show you" Bakugo spat as he activated his explosions. Midoryia was then exploded at and through those explosions he was punched to the face by kirishima and electrocuted by Kaminari.

After minutes of this they all stopped revealing a burned Midoryia. They all Chuckled and left the room.
Midoryia was still awake though, he could hardly move without pain. His entire body was burned, electric marks running all over his arms, explosion marks running on his face and everywhere, and bruises from Kirishima.

It was agony.

Midoryia chuckled to himself, "at least they didn't do it for longer those time".
He kept trying to look at the bright side of things but inside he felt so empty he knew nothing good was going on in his life. Midoryia forced himself to get up to go to lunch. On the way out the door he ran into Aizawa who only sighed and walked away into the classroom.

Tears streamed down Midoryia's face as he walked down the hall getting laughed at and pushed around. You could see all the pain he was in just by looking at his eyes but no one cared.

He was quirkless.

When he made it to the lunch room things just got worse. Since there were hundreds of students there they all each individually did something to harm Midoryia, whether that being pushing him onto the ground or using their quirks on him.

At the end of the day Midoryia returned home looking horrible. But no one showed concern. Not even his own mother. Infact things got worse when he made it home.

He had an abusive mother and father. They were both pro heros as well, his mother being magenta and his father being dragon.

Once he stepped foot into the living room of his own house he was hurt even more for being 'weak'...

And this went on every single day.
No breaks.
No stops.

Midoryia was losing hope and rapidly.

A Quirkless RejectOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara