a New Life

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Midoryia was still in the bathroom.

Midoryia looked down at what he was wearing.
He was technically dead so the only thing he was wearing were boxers and a hospital gown. Midoryia sighed as a cool chill ran down his back. He had to leave the hospital and fast but where would he even go?

And to top it all off.
Midoryia was hungry. His stomach growled in rage as it panged In need of food. Midoryia ran back to his room and looked for any good clothes. All he found was his UA uniform.

He got angry just looking at it, months  of torture and he just let it happen. He was mad that his past self didn't fight back. Midoryia's stomach growled once more. Midoryia grabbed the clothes and put it on.

"I need to escape this hospital and find some food. If only I could find some better CLOTHES people are obviously going to suspect I'm alive. I don't want them to know yet.

Not until I have my perfect revenge plotted out" Midoryia thought to himself as he looked around. His eyes landed on a piece of paper and pencil. The paper had nothing written on it but the pencil looked like it had been burned.

"Kachaan must've wanted to write me a note but was too full of pride to. Whatever I can use this note to claim someone else kidnapped me." . Midoryia grabbed the paper and pencil and got to writing.

"I took your little friend's corpse. Good luck ever seeing it again" Midoryia wrote.

"What weirdo would want a corpse. Ugh this note better work" Midoryia thought to himself as he put it on the bed. He opened up the window of his room and stepped onto the ledge.

"So high up! I won't die though. You can't really kill something that has already died.  But I still feel pain...If only I could fly" Midoryia thought to himself.

Suddenly Midoryia started to get shorter, he looked down at his legs to realize it was becoming a black smoke that he could control.

"This must be a part of the quirk" Midoryia thought to himself as he flew through the sky as a black smoke.
He felt so free, a new leave found within himself.

But his stomach still begged for food.
Midoryia was able to direct himself in any way he wanted through the sky. Though he only had one thing in mind.

How to find food.

Midoryia's sharp eyes were able to see everything below him as he scanned the night ground for anything. He ducked into an alleyway and reformed as his normal figure.
"Maybe the trash can has some edible food" Midoryia thought to himself as he rummaged through the trash. He found an unopened snack bar that was far from it's expiration date. It has gotten thrown out with the rest of the box, with only 1 open bitten bar.

"Someone must've thrown this out because they didn't like it. Whatever it's free food and I actually like this brand" Midoryia thought to himself as he opened the bar up.
Before he died he uses to eat these bars for lunch.

Midoryia's mouth was drooling as he put the snack bar into his mouth. He took one big bite and....!

Violently gagged.
It tasted like biting into cardboard. He threw it up and the rest of it into the trash.

"I don't remember these tasting to horrible! Maybe that's why the guy threw it." Midoryia thought to himself as he looked all around. He found a crumpled 50 yen on the ground a dn picked it up quick. Across the street was a 24 hours shop, due to it being a low income store it had no cameras

He walked in and picked out a snack he knew he loved. There was no way in the world he'd hate the snack either. He paid the cashier, went outside, and took a bite...

And yet again he violently gagged.
"Come on! You can't tell me being a vampire means I can't enjoy human food" Midoryia cried to himself. All he could taste was cardboard whenever he bit anything.

"I guess I'll have to kill someone for food... Not a big deal.. i think." Midoryia thought to himself.
He was full of such a strong hate and blood lust that he really didn't care if he killed.

He had the mindset of, if everyone told him he couldn't be something be was just going to be the opposite of it.

He originally wanted to be the number 1 hero...
Now he wants the opposite
The number 1 villain.

Midoryia walked back into the store and closed the door. His eyes fell on the innocent cashier that was only doing his job. His eyes gave off such a strong blood lust it scared the cashier.
The cashier took one good look at the boy and realized something...

He was the same boy that died earlier in the day.

"A-arent you supposed to be dead!" The cashier choked. "I did die. But then my real quirk awakened. Anyways, sorry to do this but I'm starving" Midoryia replied.

"W-what are y-" the cashier was cut off when Midoryia disappeared from right in front of him....

And reappeared right behind him.
Midoryia had teleported.
Midoryia bit down on his neck, going right through his skin. Midoryia's grip was of iron as he stopped the cashier's hands from slapping him. blood filled Midoryia's mouth as he killed off the cashier.

The cashier dropped to the ground, dead, as Midoryia unlatched his teeth from the cashier's neck. Midoryia wiped his mouth and looked around. He wanted better clothes and he stepped right into the perfect shop for that.

He grabbed a black hoodie, some dark pants, and a hat. Then he changed out of his UA clothes and threw them in a river. No one would be able to claim that it's his.

"So I can teleport, turn into a black smoke and fly, I can heal fast, and Im much stronger. I wonder what else I can do. I stole the guy's phone so now I can figure it out I guess
For now I have to avoid the sun, it's 3:07am... The sun rises in a little over an hour. Where do I go?" Midoryia thought to himself as he wandered through a forest. As Midoryia was walking he heard someone else tracking his foot steps. Instinctively he turned around and was face to face with....

Someone that would change his life.

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