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"No it won't" Midoryia said through a speaker. The class turned to him confused as they eat he'd the hoodie he was wearing get ripped off of him with his own hands. He was in the air, flying.

"Now the moment I HAVE been waiting for" Midoryia laughed psychotically as he pressed the button.

"Midoryia, what's your problem?" Kirishima hissed.
Suddenly there was a rumble in the ground as Midoryia stared at the crowd.

Suddenly a black dome like barrier shot up into the air all around the school and trapped everyone inside.

"You're all my hostages now" Midoryia laughed through the speaker.
"...what just happened.." momo asked as she looked around.
Midoryia then pressed another button.

When that happened a bunch of things started to get shot out of the walls and grabbed onto all the students, toppling them down to the ground and leaving them immobilized.

"Now you all may be wondering, Midoryia what are you doing??

Well guess what!

I am TIRED of you ALL. The months of torment, the isolation, the disrespect.

I am TIRED of it all
And today!

I'll finally get what I've been wanting from the start.

Revenge!" Midoryia chuckled. Fear was instilled into everyone there, Midoryia had been plotting this since he came back hadn't he?

Aizawa wasn't on the scene, Midoryia had locked him inside of his room and barricaded it with stuff on the inside and out.

"Midoryia. We both know you aren't strong enough to be able to kill us all" Monoma spat.

"Who said I planned a quick murder? Heh no~ I plan to torture ALL of you.
But first~"
Midoryia pressed another button on the remote he had.
Suddenly screams could be heard everywhere as everyone besides class A and Monoma were killed with those ropes.

They had cut through them, leaving them in pieces.
Blood practically flooded the area.
The smell of blood filled the air maker Midoryia laugh menacingly, the rest of class 1-A stared horrified.
With no heros to help besides the teachers they were all doomed.

"Now that that's done. Let's get this show on the road!" Midoryia said as he flew down to the class.

In his hand he was holding some needle. He walked up to them all and Injected them with said needle.
Then he got them all next to each other and teleported all of them to his secret base, then he lifted the security he bought.

All might was also taken hostage.
Infact, he was taken hostage from the very start.

"Quick we have to go to UA, he might attack now!" Sir nighteye shouted.
"I'll fly there and subdue him" hawks replied.

Hawks zoomed to UA, nothing had 'happened' from the outside but it was eeriely silent, odd for a festival.

He flew over where the festival was held and gasped.
Blood and human parts EVERYWHERE.

Midoryia had already struck.

"How did the kid manage to kill everyone in such a short time frame?! Is there another power he held off on using?!" Hawks thought to himself. Nighteye, Ruyuku, and the other heros pulled up to the situation and all collectively gasped.

All might, class 1-A, and Monoma were all missing. Teachers were no where to be found and everyone was DEAD.

"I knew the kid was strong but I never suspected for him to be THIS strong. How did he manage to kill over 400 students in such a shirt time period?!" Sir nighteye spat.

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