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Midoryia descended through the sky, the sun glimmering in his eyes as it set. Hawks was flying after him but it was no use, gravity was pulling him down fast.

Midoryia stretched out his arms and turned to face the ground. He had an idea.

As the street floor approached closer and closer to Midoryia, he couldn't help but wear a smile as he watched hawks desperately try to grab him.

The wind ruffled through his hair, making it even fluffier than it was before.
Midoryia knew he couldn't die, even if he didn't pull off what he had in mind all he'd experience is some pain before reforming and running.

It was a thrill.

Just as Midoryia was 10 feet away from the ground he quickly swung his arms to the side and activated his flight. Quickly changing his trajectory and flying above the ground.

Hawks had to pause himself in flight to avoid hitting the ground himself. Midoryia stuck his tongue out and flew off dodging cars and dipping into an alley way.

"DANG IT!". Hawks spat as he flew back up to Aizawa.
"Did you get him?!" Aizawa asked, recovering from the hit Midoryia delivered.
"No, he got away" hawks hissed. Aizawa bit his lip in frustration as he looked at Hawks. The sun finally set, completely.

It was the beginning of the night.
The beginning of chaos.

Midoryia's red eyes illuminated in the darkness of the alleyway he sat in.
"I need to get some random victims. They'll be helpful when I torture the class" Midoryia thought to himself as he began to shapeshift into a stranger. He walked out of the alleyway and began the hunt.

A bunch of police ran right by him, they were looking for him. Midoryia held back a chuckle as he overhead them say, "check the alleyways. That's where Izuku Midoryia usually kidnaps people".

He then saw a bunch of heros follow with them, including Aizawa.
Once the coast was clear he continued to walk away. Still hunting for a couple victims.

He'd need at least 20, considering that's the amount of people he has in his class plus Monoma.

Midoryia crossed the street and walked into another alleyway. There he found a group of friends.

"Hey could you all help me?" Midoryia asked. Still in disguise.
"Um. Who even are you, a hobo? Get lost you scumbag" one of them said.

"Wrong answer"

Midoryia melted back into his normal self, revealing his crimson red eyes, pearly white fangs, and his black suit.

They group gasped as they tried to run off, immediately recognizing Midoryia from the news.
Midoryia sped up to them all and knocked them all out. He then piled them together and teleported them to his base.

He then shapeshifted into another person and continued to kidnap people left and right.

Eventually he reached his 20 person goal and returned to his base.

He then looked at the cameras.

Bakugo was punching the ground in pain, the poison had kicked in.
Most of the girls were crying and screaming in pain, most of the guys were holding back their tears while punching something in the room.

Midoryia laughed, this was only their beginning.

Midoryia had put the kidnapped victims in an extra room. He tied them up and kept them knocked out with a drug.

Midoryia decided he'd continue to torture the class tomorrow.
For now he wanted to toy with the heros.

He pulled out his phone and figured out the location of where they were investigating. After that he shapeshifted into Todoroki and teleported there.

A Quirkless RejectHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin