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After that, Midoryia returned to UA and relaxed for a bit.
He knew he'd have to go deal with his hostage but he decided to wait a little.
He had a feeling SOMEONE would be coming into his dorm room while he should be asleep.

He wasn't wrong either.
At 3:00am, Midoryia was lying down on his bed. Suddenly Mirio's scent became way stronger, more than it should've been.

He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"He's still here. Well it can't be him then, if that were true he'd be gone as I'm here. Though 1 single night isn't enough evidence. I'll have to check everyday" Mirio thought to himself as he sank back away into the ground.

Midoryia opened his eyes when he could no longer smell Mirio.
"It's a good thing I listened to be gut instinct. It'd be horrible if he didn't find me here" Midoryia thought to himself as he aggressively sniffed the air.

He was triple checking to make sure Mirio had really left.
Once he was certain Mirio was gone he changed into his clothes and teleported to his base.
He found the hostage in the mainroom trying to break free but it was no use.

Midoryia quickly killed them off, drinking all of their blood. He then did what he always did, sold it off to the market.

After that he returned to UA and fell asleep.

The next day-

Midoryia woke up as he usually would. He went downstairs and did his usual.
There he found Eri, still scared of him.

"...why does he seem...
Scary..." She thought to herself as she looked into Midoryia's eyes. She couldn't put her finger on it but whenever she looked at Midoryia she could only sense something scary, something cold, something being caged. Something being fed until it's ready to come out.

Vengeance radiated off Midoriya, Eri was scared of it

"Eri? Are you going to keep staring at me?" He asked. Eri flinched and ran away. Midoryia shrugged it off and threw his blood bag into the trash can.

As he was happily relaxing in the Sunday morning he suddenly heard a large explosion outside. Concerned he gets up and looks out the window, there was nothing there.

Though something was off.
He could feel it...

"Chisaki is attacking" was the first thought that came to Midoryia. He quickly teleported to Aizawa and forced him awake. "Chisaki is attacking" he said casually.

"Oh ok" Aizawa said, the words hadn't registered quite yet.

"Wait wh-" Aizawa was cut off by a large scream in the mainroom of the Dormitory.

"WHERE ARE YOU ERI?!". He screamed.

Midoryia let out a groan as Chisaki stood in the mainroom full of rage.
Aizawa ran to the mainroom and found Chisaki aggressively throwing stuff on the ground.

"Calm down will you, it's a Dormitory not your home" Aizawa sighed, cancelling his quirk. Midoryia came running in with him.

"YOU! WHERE'S ERI?!" Chisaki spat. Suddenly another yakuza member came busting through the door, shattering it.

Midoryia teleported to the side Yakuza as he noticed it was headed straight for Aizawa, and knocked it out with a strong blow to the head.

Bakugo, kirishima, and Sero came running down the stairs upon the loud noises.

Chisaki charged at Aizawa and was about to hit him when Bakugo exploded Chisaki and Kirishima pushed Aizawa out of the way. Due to the fact Aizawa blinked Chisaki was able to use his quirk again...

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