Aizawa's rage

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Midoryia peacefully relaxed in the League's base. That was until something hit him.

"If the heros DO come to save me they're going to expect me to be starving.
Cause the league is supposed to be 'torturing' me. I'll have to be tied up as well.

This isn't good." Midoryia thought to himself as he finished off a blood bag he was drinking.

It was the middle of the night, 3am. He wasn't able to sleep as usual. He'd have to get fresh blood for that to happen.

Shigaraki came walking down to get a drink of water. He was surprised when he saw Midoryia sitting on the countertop staring off into space.

"Is this how you sleep??" Shigaraki asked thrown off.
"No, I can't sleep. Until I get fresh blood at least" Midoryia sighed.

"What do you mean?" Shigaraki asked.
"I don't know what's wrong with me recently, but my body doesn't allow me to sleep until I've gotten at least 1 pint of fresh blood into my system" Midoryia added.

"Then just go out and kill someone, you aren't new to this" Shigaraki grumbled. "I know. Something else was on my mind is all".

"What is it?"

"If the heros DO come save me, which they likely will considering Aizawa and Hawks are on my side. they're gonna expect me to be tied down to chains, have my quirks cancelled, and they'll expect me to be starving. Before I left I had said I 'betrayed' you just so they think I wouldn't rejoin. Though we both know it's not the case.

You do still have a back up base right?" Midoryia said. "Yes, why?" Shigaraki asked.

"When the heros come and attack. I want you and the rest of the league to escape. I don't plan to reveal myself quite yet, my plan isnt really ready yet. I'll know when my plan is ready once I have everything I need, all my puzzle pieces" Midoryia replied.

"Wait, you don't plan to reveal yourself?!" Shigaraki asked, distraught. "No not yet, I want my perfect revenge. And that'll be having them keep their guard down so low they won't know what hit them.

I'll take over UA, everyone there will be my prisoner. My food supply and torture toy.  I'll kill off every other class but leave class 1-A, why? Because they inflicted the most pain on me, I want them to suffer the most. Since I'll have nothing to do with corpses I'll sell them in the market, that'll get me a lot of money.

With that I can completely turn UA upside down" Midoryia chuckled. Shigaraki was surprised with what Midoryia had said. He knew Midoryia wanted revenge but what he wanted to do was big.

"How will you stop the government from attacking you, you'll be like a red target amongst blank paper" shigaraki asked.

"Oh that's simple. With the money I'll get from selling the bodies I'll have enough to buy a security system that'll lock up the school and everyone inside. Like a little dome.

I can set it up whenever I want to. And when the time comes all I have to do is press 1 simple little button.
Then no one will be able to enter or exit without a form of transportation quirk".

"You really thought this out didn't you?"
"Of course I did, I've been plotting this since I came back from being dead"

"Well then. I'll listen to your little idea for now. You won't reveal yourself yet." Shigaraki said. He grabbed his cup of water, drank it, and went back to his room.

"Right then. I'll see you tomorrow" Midoryia said teleporting to his room.
He grabbed a random hoodie and a mask so he wouldn't be identifiable and teleported to an alleyway.

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