Secret base

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Midoryia was chilling in his bed when suddenly Aizawa called him. He teleported downstairs where Aizawa was sipping his coffee sitting on the sofa chair.

"What did you need?" Midoryia asked. "The school required that I write down everything your quirk can do, so I need you to show them all" Aizawa said.

"Oh okay, do you have a knife?" Midoryia asked. "A knife???" Aizawa asked confused.
"How am I supposed to show you I can heal instantly?".
"Oh. The kitchen"

Midoryia teleported into the kitchen and came walking back with a knife. "The first one is this" Midoryia said cutting his arm. A single droplet of blood fell before the cut completely healed leaving no scar.

"So healing" Aizawa wrote it down in a note pad.
"Next I'm automatically immortal, I can't die no matter what happens." Midoryia said stabbing his chest.

Aizawa grimaced at the sight of Midoryia pulling a knife out of his chest.
"This knife is no longer needed, anyways I can fly" Midoryia said beginning to float upwards.
"I can fly in 3 different forms.
I'm this normal form, or" Midoryia turned into a bat.

"This or"
Midoryia turned into dark smoke.
Midoryia said transforming back.

Aizawa hummed as he wrote down what Midoryia was explaining.
"What else?"

"I can shapeshift into people" Midoryia said taking Aizawa's form.
"I can jump into mirrors"
Midoryia explained as he jumped into the living room mirror.

"I can obviously teleport, my senses are automatically increased, and I can run really fast due to be stronger than average humans" Midoryia said.

"Is that it?"
"Nope the last one is I can talk to people, inside their head" Midoryia said finishing his sentence in telepathic form.

Aizawa was surprised at hearing Midoryia's voice in his head so suddenly.

"That's all."

"So to put it all simply you can, teleport, fly, shapeshift, are immortal, heal yourself, talk to people within their head, have super senses, jump into mirrors, and can run fast." Aizawa said.

"Yup" Midoryia said, he didn't tell Aizawa the exact draw back of each strength. If he did he worries that it'd be used against him.

"Alright good, you're free now" Aizawa said. "Thank you sir" Midoryia said teleporting away. It was the end of another school day, the last day of the week. Friday.

Tomorrow he'd have no school due to the simple fact it was a Saturday. The sports Festival was on Wednesday.

Midoryia pulled out the last O- blood bag he had left and finished it off. It was the last of his reward he earned a bit back.

"So far there are no suspicions I need to message Shigaraki and Kurogiri or even just talk to them up front about what's going on. But what would be a good time to do that? I guess at night, to make sure I'm not being tracked I'll leave this bracelet here in my drawer. I'll do it super late, when I'm sure Aizawa is asleep." Midoryia thought to himself.

Soon night fall came, Aizawa was still in the living room. Midoryia was finishing off his dinner pondering about how he'll sneak out.

"Do I really need the league? Well it would be useful to have some supply of weapons and a place to go to when all of this is I guess they are needed for this to work out, unless I'm able to find my own base.

That doesn't sound too bad now that I think of it~" Midoryia thought to himself as he stood in the dark bed room. It was 9:30pm, the sun was well set and it was the beginning of the night. Midoryia heard Aizawa coming up the stairs and Immediately teleported under his sheets and pretended to be sound asleep.

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