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After that Midoryia teleported Mirio to recovery girl where he was healed up. Midoryia had single handedly beat Mirio, the same guy who took down the entire class fighting him at once.

The class hated how Midoryia won, it only proved how much stronger he was. Something they hated.
"Don't get comfortable Deku, he went easy on you" kirishima spat. Midoryia rolled his eyes and walked away, drinking a packet of blood.

Class was over, it was the end of the day anyways. Midoryia teleported to the Dormitory. He was greeted by fluffy, she purred at his side as he pet her.

After that he walked over to the sink, washed his hands, and teleported to his room.
He was pretty much done for the day.

The next day-

It was the end of the school day. Midoryia was tasked with taking out the trash. The sun was already beginning to set leaving the sky a beautiful gold.
As he was getting close to the emptying area he felt a pair of eyes land on him.

He turned his face just so see a face in the wall.
It was Mirio, he was completely healed.

"Oh, Mirio" Midoryia said sternly.
Mirio walked out of the wall and lifted up some of the trash Midoryia was holding.

"I have a couple things I want so say" Mirio began, looking at the ground in guilt. Midoryia raised his brow confused, what would Mirio want?

"Yes?" Midoryia asked.

"I'm sorry for not helping you in the past. I always just watched and that was wrong of me. I know it's probably not enough considering what happened to you... But please forgive me, I've felt bad ever since I heard you died" Mirio said.

"You look like your apologizing just to free the guilt trapped in your heart. You're not here for me to be happy, you're here to free yourself from your own chains" Midoryia thought to himself.

Midoryia sighed, "I forgive you. But I won't forget what you did". Mirio's face lit up with excitement, "thank you! I have something else I want to say!".

Midoryia wore a confused and relaxed expression, now what?

"I want you to come intern with me! You've heard of sir nighteye's agency right, all might's former side kick! He has a spot open and I want you to be the one to fulfil it. You have amazing thinking skills, because of that you were able to beat me yesterday, you didn't allow yourself to be predictable. That's amazing! So what do you say?" Mirio said.

"A chance for me to get close with one of all might's former friends. What horrific face would he make when he watches him die a gruesome death right in front of him? A perfect opportunity to figure out all of his weaknesses." Midoryia thought to himself.

"You okay? You just stared for a while" Mirio asked.
"Oh sorry, yes I'll take the spot! When do I go with you?" Midoryia asked.
"Tomorrow, after school. Don't be late. I'll be waiting for you outside of your Dormitory" Mirio replied. "Alright then" Midoryia said teleporting the trash away.

"Where did the trash go??" Mirio asked. "I teleported it away" Midoryia replied. "I was saving my teleport to be able to return to my dorm room but I have to figure out how to stop this conversation as soon as possible. I don't need him to be following me anymore" .

"Woah you can teleport other things too?? That's amazing, well. I'll leave you be since you're done your task I bet you have other things to do" Mirio laughed as he sank back into ground.

Midoryia let out a sigh as he transformed into a bat and flew up to his dorm room and entered from the balcony. He walked into the bathroom and washed his hands, he had just touched trash. Of course he'd wash his hands.

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