All for one vs one for all

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"I'm here for a pizza delivery" a familiar voice said.
Midoryia winked at the league and began his act.

"Somebody help!" He screamed.
"Somebody shut him up!" Shigaraki hissed, in an act.

"DETROIT SMASH!" All might screamed, breaking through the bases wall. When he did that woods sent his wood all around, capturing the league members. Kurogiri was about to warp everyone out when he was knocked out by gran torino.

All might turned to face Midoryia who looked horrible, though if anything he felt an anger towards Midoryia just by looking at him. He was only saving him because the others told him to.

"Midoryia." All might said sternly. Midoryia turned his head to face him, wearing a mask of a fake pained look.

All might let out a sharp sigh, "your villainy ends here villains. I'll be taking my student back".
"Looks like they forced him to do this" Midoryia thought to himself.

"Master. Lend me your power" shigaraki said. AFO let out a chuckle.
"You all lost this battle" all might continued.

Suddenly  a black warp gate took all of the league out and into the middle of the city. All might just let out an annoyed groan and jumped out of the building in search of Midoryia.

The area they were transported to was destroyed, mount lady was the one to thank for that. Midoryia still had the Quirk cancelling cuff on so it wasn't like he could do anything.

All might came soaring through the sky when he went his fated rival.
All For One.

"ALL FOR ONE!!!". He screamed as he went down to punch him.
All for one stopped all might with his bare hands and let out a chuckle as he sent him flying back into another building behind him.

All might jumped back out the rubble and went charging at one for all.

Midoryia just sat there on the ground unable to move. Soon a helicopter came zooming by to record everything.

Class 1-A including Aizawa watched intently as all might fought one for all.
"Midoryia, he's right there!" Kirishima said pointing at the screen. "He looks beaten up" Kaminari mumbled. Aizawa had just so happened to hear what Kaminari said and was Immediately mad after that, the league had 'tortured' him.

"I am going to punch you with the biggest combination of my quirks and end you once and for all" All for one said as he opened a portal sending all of the league there except for Midoryia.

It was just like Midoryia planned.

All for one sent a massive punch at all might that destroyed all might's muscular form.
"A weak form? What's this? I've never seen all might like this" Midoryia thought to himself, holding back a chuckle.

"Look at that, your secret has been revealed to the world" AFO laughed. All might stood there with a blood arm in his weak form. He went charging at one for all, forcing his Quirk past his limits. He managed to land a hit on his face but it still wasn't enough.

"What's wrong all might?" AFO chuckled, punching all might again sending him half way across the battle ground.

AFO jumped back up into the air.
"I am going to kill you now" he said, wearing a sinister smile. He began to load up all of his quirk into his right arm, powering it up to full intensity. All might was in a weird deformed form of one for all.

AFO charged at all might, going for his only good arm. When that happened all might shifted the power from his left arm to his broken right arm and punched AFO.

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