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"What do you mean his corpse is missing?!" Inko screamed. "I'm sorry ma'am! All we found was a note claiming someone took him and an open window." The nurse cried.

"This is outrageous I expect you to find his body, it's not like it could've gotten up and walked away itself!" Inko screeched. "We're doing our best ma'am please calm down" the nurse said.

Inko angrily hung up the phone as more tears streamed down her face. She felt guilty about abusing her own son so she at least wanted to say good bye one last time.

But it was too late.


"His corpse is missing? How is that even possible he died!?" Aizawa asked as the nurse talked to him on the phone. "We only found a note and police investigators and looking into the situation." The nurse said hanging up the phone.

She wasn't in the mood to get yelled at again.

Aizawa sighed as he made his way to the class room to tell them all the news. When he walked in all eyes fell on him.

Despite feeling guilty about what they did to Midoryia most of them already got over his death. They never really truly cared about him, they had pitied themselves when he died. Bakugo was the only one not over his death, he was the killer after all...

He is the reason Midoryia is 'dead'.
"Class I have disappointing news.

Midoryia's corpse is missing" Aizawa said. The class's netrual face turned into one of shock. "How is that even possible? Who would want a corpse!?" Bakugo screamed.

"We don't know who did it but once they figure out who did they'll arrest them" Aizawa said beginning the lesson.

Midoryia was in the classroom.
He was inside of his desk as dark smoke, his flying form. He can keep the form up for quite sometime as long as he wasn't in sun light.

"Seems like they got over my death relatively fast. Revenge will be so sweet" Midoryia thought to himself as he listened in on the lesson. He had teleported as the dark smoke into his desk so no one really noticed him.

He had told the league prior to coming there that he'd be doing that. He just really wanted to see their reactions to his death.

He wasn't disappointed infact this is what he expected. He knew the class really didn't care about him, that's why he doesn't care about them either. It's why he'll kill them without hesitation.

Midoryia transformed into a bat since that form was much easier to keep than being a smoke. He was worried Mineta would see him since Mineta was right behind him in seating arrangements. Though Mineta was too distracted by something else to do so.

"Let's scare Kachaan!" Midoryia thought to himself as he activated telepath. He had discovered all his powers through a quick search, he then tried them all out and figured they all worked.

"Kachaan~~~ are you happy now that I'm dead? Are you satisfied now that I'm not in your way? I'll be back~ watch out!" Midoryia said through telepath.

Bakugo's blood ran cold as these thoughts came to him. They were in Midoryia's exact voice. "Deku... What the...
But he's dead...
Is he haunting me as a ghost because I killed him?!

That's nonsense. He's dead and he won't be back. I'm just having intrusive thoughts. I should use the bathroom" Bakugo thought to himself. Midoryia broke off the telepath connection and went back to vacantly listening to Aizawa's teaching.

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