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Class 1-A, the teachers, and Midoryia's parents all stood concerned outside of his hospital room. They were doing all they could to save Midoryia but it was no use...

Not only had Midoryia lost a lot of blood and broken all of his bones, the giant boulder crushed all of his vital organs. His liver, kidneys, and lungs were all crushed, his brain being the least damaged thing there...

His never concerned mother crying for the first time about him.  Midoryia was still awake during all the procedures they were doing to try to keep him alive...

The nurses sighed in pain as they found they could do nothing to stop his impending death. They walked out of his hospital room and informed everyone else.

"There's nothing we can do... His lungs,kidneys and liver have been too damaged to save him... Not to mention some of his heart is also damaged. No amount of healing will save him...

You should all say your good byes" the nurse said. Bakugo bursted through Midoryia's room not wasting a second. He didn't care how 'pathetic' he might seem to everyone else. All he cared about was seeing Midoryia one 'last' time.

"K-achaan" Midoryia forced out as he looked up at his bully. "Dang it Deku... Why didn't you move!?" Bakugo screamed in a pained voice. The rest of the class ran in as well as the teachers and his parents.

"I couldn't hear you...

It's nice...
To see....

You all.. do care" Midoryia forced out.

"Of course we care why wouldn't we!?!" Inko screamed running to her son's side.

"...that's not what you all told me.

That's not how you all treated me...
I'm sorry but...

I'll never forgive any of you and you can find why in the notebook" Midoryia said as his eyes began to close.

"Stay awake DANG DEKU!" Bakugo screamed. Midoryia's pulse began to drop rapidly as he left everyone sobbing even harder at his last words.

Midoryia flat lined...

Screams of sobs could be heard as Inko Midoryia grabbed her son's crushed corpse and hugged it tight.

"Time of death...
10:30am Tuesday" a nurse said writing it down.

"Bring him back! Please.

I don't want him to die..." Inko cried into the nurse's arms. "I'm sorry magenta there's nothing I can do" the nurse said. Inko screamed into the nurse's arms as Hisashi Midoryia rubbed her back. Aizawa and all might were the only ones not crying, all might only felt guilt for himself. He couldn't save Midoryia. He was feeling guilty for the wrong reason.

Aizawa wasn't crying because he hated doing so in front of others. Not to mention he was quite incapable of crying, especially about someone he was hardly close to.

Everyone was forced out of Midoryia's room. Midoryia's burial would be in 3 days.

Class was cancelled for the rest of the day due to the death of Midoryia.

Bakugo went to Midoryia's book bag and pulled out the notebook he was talking about before he died. The rest of the class sat their patiently waiting for Bakugo to begin to read what Midoryia had written.

"Hello class 1-A! If you're reading this is means I probably died. That or Kachaan stole my notebook again...
I kinda expected my death to be soon, you know..
I was trying to be a hero without a quirk...
Of course I'd die...

Anyways... I just have 1 question...
I know you all hate me..
I just wanna know, why?

Did I do something... Why did you all hurt me... Make me feel unwanted...
I didn't choose to be quirkless... I just wanted to be a hero...

I understand why you all hated me but it was out of my control... Could you all have at least not physically hurt me.. ignoring me what have given me the message..

I'm sorry but I'll really never forgive any of you...

And to the teachers and my parents

Why didn't you step in and help me? I cried out for help right in front of you but you all just sat and watched... I begged for your help....
I really did....

But you just sighed and looked away...

Mom and dad....
Why did you have to hurt me too? It was already bad enough at school, I wanted home to be my safe haven...

At least the pain is gone now...
See you all in hell.
I hate you all" is what the note read.

Bakugo didn't really show emotions while reading the note except for his general sadness Though reading the note and thinking about Midoryia writing it you could hear the pain.

"...he didn't even have a welcoming home and we just made it worse..." Momo said lowly.

"It's all of our faults... I understand why he wouldn't forgive us. I wouldn't have either" Todoroki hissed.

The class each took a picture of the note and went home after that.
The blood in the training room was cleaned up.

All that remained was a small equator from the impact and a big boulder.

Due to what the note said the class, teachers, and parents had to be investigated. The police had to double check it wasn't a planned murder.

"Devastating news. Today, hero course student, Izuku Midoryia, was crushed to death by a boulder In an accident during training today. Teachers, students, and his parents are being investigated due to a suspicious note they found written by the student himself. Izuku Midoryia was quirkless, student Katsuki Bakugo claims that Midoryia wouldn't move out of the way while the entire class screamed at him to move away from the boulder. His funeral will be held this Friday." A news reporter said.

The sun was setting over the horizon as police officers knocked on hisashi's door. They had to do a scope of the house to make sure there weren't any obvious signs of abuse.

Hisashi and Inko were both sad for the loss of their son but they were more concerned about being found out.

"Where am I?"

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