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Class was in session as it always would be. This time instead of Midoryia waiting inside of his former desk, he was in the cafeteria. He had the worst memories associated with the cafeteria.

- flash back.
Before Midoryia's death.

Midoryia would come down to the cafeteria just to be ridiculed every single day. Everyone in the cafeteria would do something to hurt him.

Monoma would copy everyone's quirk there and hurt him multiple times...
That's over 100 quirks to be copied and used on Midoryia.
Bakugo would assist helping Monoma beat up Midoryia as well...

If Midoryia walked by any table he'd be pushed or get milk poured on him.
He tolerated this every day...

It wasn't unusual for Midoryia to be covered in scraps, burns, cuts, and have broken bones everyday. It's why recovery girl was sick of him.
Midoryia remembered going to the bathroom and counting each one of his wounds...

He counted them only to make himself feel better.
"At least it isn't 55 today!" Midoryia would think to himself after getting 50 different injuries all around.

"Look it's the quirkless loser who can't defend himself" "he shouldn't be in the hero course"  "what a moron" whispers among all the cafeteria students as they saw Midoryia walk by wearing a smile...

He'd always force himself to smile.

Flash end.

Midoryia gagged at his past self. He understood he couldn't really have fought back and in the situation he was in with no support from anyone he was practically stuck. But he wished that he did something. He wished he didn't just stand by and let everyone beat him.

Midoryia was in a hidden spot of the cafeteria.
The ceiling.

No one ever really looked up at it not to mention it's so high up they'd hardly see him. The roof had horizontal beams going from wall to wall that supported the ground above. Midoryia sat there in his full form, not a bat, not smoke, and not shape shifted.

Just his normal self.
Lunch would be in less than an hour, which is exactly what he needed.

Today his Mission was to steal information. The league wanted him to do it since he always hung around the school anyways.

Midoryia was sipping on a blood bag. He stole a bunch from the hospital last night. He only needs 3 a day to be full since he's now fully developed
after eating those 10 people.

Soon people began to fill the cafeteria. It was officially lunch time.
Midoryia over heard class 1-A discussing how they picked a class president. Iida managed to fill the roll.

"I wonder who in the class I should kill first? Heh maybe I shouldn't kill them but instead people they actually care about...
Like all might, their parents, siblings. This'll be interesting" Midoryia thought to himself.

"Congrats on becoming class president Iida!" Kaminari said patting his shoulder. "Thank you Kaminari" Iida said.

Class 1-A was free to lunch for the hour period. They were enjoying themselves...
Now that Midoryia was gone they subtly felt more happy...
Though a lingering guilt dwelled in them all. Hardly noticeable for most of them but could easily be provoked with memories of the green headed teen.

"We just want an interview with all might!" A news reporter complained. "Ma'am we can't do that. We're going to need you all to leave" Aizawa hissed. "Come on it's just 1 interview!" She screeched.

Aizawa sighed and walked away from the gates and onto the schools property, present mic following behind. "COME ON!" She yelled stepping into the school's property. Suddenly emergency metal gates went shooting up closing up every possible entrance.

A Quirkless RejectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang