The Truth Must Come To Light

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"Smile for me kacchan" Midoryia said as he carved in the word smile into his back with his claws.
Bakugo screamed in pain as he tried to get himself to move but he couldn't.

He was chained down to a chair in some dark room. Hardly being able to see, just feeling Midoryia's claw dig into his back and rip off chunks of flesh.

"Anddd done" Midoryia chirped.
"Where did you take me?!" Bakugo screamed.

I dragged you through a mirror but that's not where we currently are.

We're at the League's base." Midoryia replied.

It took up lots of Midoryia's energy to stay within the mirror, especially when keeping someone else there. Not to mention he can't travel too far in the mirrors since he can only travel through places the mirror is pointed at.

Midoryia had made it seem like he took him through the mirror realm so that Aizawa wouldn't be able to get to him too fast. Once Aizawa dragged all might out he teleported himself and Bakugo to the League's base.

Bakugo nervously sweat upon hearing that. He knew Midoryia's torture was painful but what could the league do??

"I'll be back eventually. Hope you enjoy bleeding out" Midoryia said as he walked off. "Oh yeah and. My claws were laced with poison.
Good luck".

Midoryia walked out of the dark room and to the leagues main sitting area. That's where he walked up to the tech guy of the league.

"How's the hacking coming along?" Midoryia asked.
"I'm almost through the mainframe of all the broadcasting systems in all of Japan.
But why exactly do you want to do this?" He asked.

"The Truth has to come out.
They all need to know what UA did to me" Midoryia replied.
"Right and I wanna torture Kacchan in front of them all" Midoryia chuckled.

"Whatever you say" he said as he went back to work.
Midoryia walked to the fridge and pulled out a blood bag, he was hungry after all of what he did.

Screams of pain could be heard from Bakugo as the poison kicked in. He was jolting up and down in his chair, chains rattling with every movement. It was annoying everyone else.

"Man will that kid shut up" Dabi hissed.
"Honestly for real, he's getting annoying" Toga added.
"If you 2 want to you can go stab him or something. Just don't kill him" Midoryia said as he finished off his blood bag.

Excitement lit up in Toga's eyes and she joyfully grabbed her knife and ran to the room Bakugo was held captive in. Dabi,too, wanted to torture Bakugo.

Shortly the smell of burning flesh became prevalent as the blood curdling screams of Bakugo only became louder and louder.


Everyone was stitched and healed up best to the doctor's abilities but they were still in an unstable condition. They were allowed to go back to UA though, but it was hardly a school anymore.
With almost all the students dead they didn't know what was going to happen.

Most of them couldn't walk, their muscles were fixed as were their bones but they weren't stable enough to walk on. They were in such a fragile state that just walking on then could open a stich and break a bone.

So most of the class sat in the mainroom, due to the fact that they couldn't go upstairs.
They didn't have an elevator.

The heros were stressing on how to find Bakugo, especially after seeing how mutilated everyone was. It was like a shock to them. They didn't even want to imagine what happened to Bakugo.

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