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It was a Saturday. Midoryia had a shift much later in the night. So he was able to do pretty much anything he wanted during the day. He grabbed a blood bag from his mini fridge and went downstairs, wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans.

It was an early Saturday morning, the only time he has before the class begins to wake up. He drank the blood bag as he scrolled through his phone on the kitchen counter.

He felt a pair of fearful eyes watching him, he turned his head and found Eri. She was on the verge of tears and looked as if she had seen a ghost.

Midoryia lifted the blood bag away from his mouth and raised his brow, "what's wrong Eri?" He asked. She flinched hearing his voice and ran away, tears streaming down her face in fear.

Midoryia shrugged his shoulders and continued to drink the contents of the bag.
Aizawa sleepily opened the fridge that was to the side of Midoryia. There he noticed Eri peeping from behind a wall. Still scared.

"Eri what's wrong?" Aizawa asked noticing the fear in her eyes. She Pointed at Midoryia and hid her face in her hands.

Aizawa raised his brow and looked at Midoryia. "What did you do?"

"Nothing she's just scared. I don't even know what I did" Midoryia replied, throwing the blood bag in the trash beneath him.
"That's odd. Eri, do you want to tell me why you're scared?" Aizawa asked.

"...h-hes drinking blood... He has scary eyes... They're like..

That man's eyes..." She whimpered. 'that man's she was referring to was Chisaki. Midoryia's eyes looked normal to everyone else, though she saw a great rage burning within them. One that could kill with just looks.

"Eri, Midoryia won't hurt you. Trust me, he's not like Chisaki." Aizawa said reassuring her. "I... Can't" she cried running off again.

"I don't know what's going on" Midoryia sighed. "Has she always acted scared in front of you?" Aizawa asked.
"When we first met, no. But right after that she's always ran away when she saw me" Midoryia replied.

"That IS odd. I'll look into it. You didn't do anything for her to be so scared" Aizawa sighed grabbing a juice bag and walking away. Midoryia nodded his head as he teleported to the sofa and used his phone.

Aizawa found Eri huddled under her blanket and slowly peeping to check who was at her door.
He shut the door behind him and stood across her bed.

"Eri, why are you scared of him?" Aizawa asked again.
"...his eyes... They look so... Scary" Eri replied. "What do you mean? They're the same color as yours" Aizawa asked confused.

"No, it's not the color... I don't know...
It's just scary" she said.
"Look, Midoryia isn't a bad person. He saved you remember that. You shouldn't be scared whenever you see him alright? Good. Now come on" Aizawa concluded.

Eri just nodded her head and followed Aizawa out of her room.

Midoryia had overhead their entire conversation.
"She's scared of my eyes? What about them?" Midoryia thought to himself as he rested on the couch.

Eri came out of her room, holding on tight to Aizawa as she saw Midoryia rested on the couch.

She flinched as Midoryia's gaze landed on hers. Midoryia only shrugged his shoulders and got back to using his phone.

He would've stayed down there longer but..
He got an urgent text from Shigaraki.

At the same time Bakugo came downstairs. Midoryia teleported to his room and read the message.

A Quirkless RejectOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant