Internship day 1

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Midoryia kept a watch on any changes in the atmosphere. He'd sniff the air and listen in for anything strange.

So far there was nothing, after all it was very much still the day time.
Midoryia could hear people crowding hawks as they all gathered to take pictures with him.
He sighed as he tucked himself well into his arms.

He was still a bat, and hanging on the staircase above the door.

"I can't let the kid get hurt, even if he is in a gray area and is a suspected villain it isn't 100% proven. If he is an innocent and I let him get hurt that would mean I let an innocent get hurt. There isn't enough evidence at the moment that can prove him guilty so for now.

He's just a normal citizen training to be a pro hero." Hawks thought to himself as he took pictures with fans.

Nightfall came upon them, the fans had dissipated once they got what they wanted, a picture with hawks. The moon began to rise as darkness coveted the country. Crickets were the only thing to be heard after the sound of car engines and people talking.


Midoryia was wide awake, even though he tried to force himself to fall asleep for a bit he really couldn't. His eyes were snapped wide open. It was a full moon that night. It's why he couldn't sleep.

He had extra energy due to the phenomenon of the full moon.
Another hour went by and still nothing had happened.

"No one's gonna attack some lousy building this is a waste of time!" Midoryia thought to himself as he flapped his wings in place.
He spoke too soon.

"The only guard they have is 1 pro hero? And he's at the front entrance?! This'll be piece of cake" someone said down the alley way. Midoryia stopped flapping his wings and listened in.

"What's the objective again?"
"Break in, make everyone there a hostage, find the money source, kill the holders, steal the money, and run out."
"If Hawks is the only guard then I say we got this in the bag"

"Come on let's go"

"What a stupid plan. Honestly they couldn't do better?" Midoryia thought to himself. The group approached the back of the building. Midoryia took a deep breath in and began to fly.

"Look a bat" one of them commented.
"A bat? In Hosu? There's no where for a bat to-" the one speaking was cut off by Midoryia transforming into his normal form.

"It's a human!?!" They all yelled.
Midoryia stretched and crossed his arms.
"what are you doing back here?" Midoryia asked playing dumb.

They all pulled out a gun and aimed it for Midoryia's head.
"Move away from the door and we won't shoot" the lead instructed.

"Oh I'm shaking in my boots. Whatever shall I do. I'm too young to die. Honestly you're all quite dumb" Midoryia laughed.

One of their egos was bruised and they shot Midoryia right in the head. There was a silencer on the gun, the sound of the gun wouldn't be heard.

"That'll show you, you should've moved!" One of them scoffed.

"Was this supposed to kill me?" Midoryia asked as the bullet fell out of his head as the injury completely healed.
"How is that even possible?!" The lead hissed beginning to send loads of bullets at Midoryia.
Midoryia sighed as the bullets went through him and healed right after.

He approached the leader ever so casually while being shot at and chuckled.
"I'm surprised you don't know who I am, doesn't Izuku Midoryia ring a tone?" Midoryia laughed as he crept all around them.

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