Training before Festival

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Everyone glared at Midoryia upon Aizawa's sentence. They wanted to simply beat him up during this training.

"Anyways get into your gym clothes and meet me in the training room. I'll explain how everything is going to work  down there. You have 5 minutes" Aizawa said. The class got up and went downstairs to the changing room. Midoryia was well prepared for anything that was going to happen.

He got his gym uniform from Aizawa the other day.
The boys all walked into the changing room, all glaring at Midoryia practically ready to pounce.
Despite Midoryia's quirk cancellers being on he still has his heighten senses and strength since they're physical.

Midoryia took off his shirt, he still had scars from what happened before he died. Kaminari went running up to him, ready to shock him but Midoryia had other ideas in mind.

Midoryia ducked down dodging Kaminari's jump hug.
Sero then tried to shoot tape at Midoryia but Midoryia ran behind Kaminari, getting the tape all over Kaminari.

Midoryia than grabbed his gym shirt and put it on during the confusion. Bakugo then went charging for Midoryia. Midoryia took off his pants and sing shotted it at Bakugo's legs, tripping him.

Midoryia them grabbed his gym pants and slid them on as Tokoyami tried to send dark shadow at Midoryia. Midoryia glared at Dark shadow, which was enough to send him whimpering back to Tokoyami. Midoryia ran out the changing room and into the gym room where Aizawa was there waiting.

The girls still hadn't finished dressing either.
Midoryia was wearing such a casual face it looked like he had done nothing.
That would've stayed true until Iida came zooming in to basically snitch on him.

"Aizawa sir, Midoryia assaulted Kaminari, Bakugo, and Tokoyami" Iida said, giving Midoryia a glare before looking back at Aizawa.

Aizawa looked at Midoryia, then Iida, then Midoryia again.
"Midoryia promised me that he wouldn't attack unless they did first and free food was on the table. That means they did something first, didn't they?" Aizawa sighed.

Iida bit his lip in frustration as he thought back at the situation.
"I'll take your silence as a definite yes. Look, since Midoryia isn't complaining as of the moment I'll let it slide. But if it happens again you'll all get in trouble" Aizawa spat.

Iida glared at Midoryia and sighed.
"Okay sir".

Soon the rest of the class began to come. Bakugo had a bruised forearm from the fall he took when Midoryia sling shoted his own pants at him. Kaminari managed to rip off the tape and was fine.

"Okay class I'll explain how this is going to work now.
Midoryia, remember you agreed to this earlier"

Flash back-

"Midoryia, I want the class to fight you all at once. I want you to fend for yourself, you'll have no back up whatsoever" Aizawa said. Midoryia pondered to himself for a bit.
"A chance to beat them til they cry without repercussion. Why not?" "Okay sir"

"Good, your allowed to fight as hard as you want. You have access to 1 rubber weapon as well" Aizawa said.

Flash end-

"You'll all be fighting Midoryia." Aizawa said. The class stared shocked at Aizawa, a free chance for them all to gang up on Midoryia and beat him up as much as they want without repercussion.

Midoryia has access to 1 weapon. It isn't a lethal weapon" Aizawa said.

"Sir what if Midoryia makes it a lethal weapon??" Kaminari asked.
"A rubber knife can't kill you no matter how much anyone tries" Aizawa said.

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