Black market

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"For my plan to go into action I need money. I still have those bodies lying around in that base, I should sell those on the black market after dissecting them." Midoryia thought to himself.
It was 9:34pm, the beginning of the night.

Midoryia was chilling in his new dorm room, on his bed, using his phone. Everyone else was already in their dorm room, Aizawa had a dorm room at the bottom floor.

If Midoryia sat in silence he was able to hear his classmates using their phones in their own rooms as well, the walls weren't too thick.

"If I'm going to sell things on the black market then I'll have to do it at night, I can't risk doing things like this during the day" . Midoryia floated up to his closet and quietly opened it. He picked out an outfit he wouldn't mind getting dirty.

While Midoryia was packing to bring his stuff to the dorms he made sure to slip in a pack of colored contacts into his suit case. He'd need it.

"How much are hearts worth? What about the brain? I have what? 4 bodies just sitting there. That could get me a lot of money, good. For my plan to work I need torture weapons, chains, quirk cancelling cuffs, metal chairs, tight security that I'll set up the night I attack, and poison. Those will be the best things I can use to torture the class! Aizawa will be left out of all of this, he doesn't need this. All of those things and pretty expensive..." Midoryia thought to himself.

Fluffy was sitting on his bed as well, they got to keep the cat! She'd alternate between his room and Aizawa's room, but most of the time she'd stay in the mainroom downstairs. That's where her food water and necessities were. Midoryia sighed and teleported the cat downstairs, he had to do some plotting and he didn't want to the cat in the way.

He grabbed his best disguise he could find in his closet, grabbed his contacts, grabbed his knife, grabbed a mask, and rolled it up into a very tight roll and stuck it under his mattress in the bed frame. He didn't want anyone to find it and putting it in the bed frame would be the best hiding spot.

Midoryia floated back over to his bed and just sat there.
He didn't have anything to do and all the lights were already off.
It was past curfew to do anything outside, though that's not his main problem.

He just didn't know what to do in the time being, he couldn't go so early in the night. What if someone walked into his room?
And so Midoryia sat there for a while.
It was a good thing he did too, Aizawa had come up.

He had to pretend to be asleep.
Aizawa had come up to make sure Midoryia didn't leave, with the league and all he was just being cautious.

Luckily he found Midoryia 'sound asleep'.
He locked the door and then left his room.
After a longer time, Midoryia finally decided it was time to go.
He grabbed his disguise, brought his phone, triple checked to make sure the door was locked, And then teleported to his base.

He went to the room where he kept all the corpses and got to work.
Due to the fact he drank all of their blood, hardly any blood spilled when he began to cut them up.

Slight trigger warning ⚠️⚠️

He made sure he was wearing gloves and had jars full of water all around as he cut through the stomach of the first victim. There all the remaining acid spilled out onto the ground besides Midoryia, he'd have to clean that later.

He removed the fleshy skin and found the stuff that sells a lot on the market.
The liver,kidneys, spleen, and intestines.

He started to cut through them, putting them in jars as he finished each one. The sight didn't bother Midoryia, despite the fact he was cutting into a dead bodies stomach.

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