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Midoryia turned around instinctively, his red cat eyes glimmering in the broad moonlight. what he saw surprised him.

It was Kurogiri Of the league. "I know you. You're that league member. Kurogiri correct?" Midoryia hissed, his fangs baring as he spoke. "I'm surprised you know who I am, the league hasn't done anything big yet. Well anyways you're correct." Kurogiri replied.

"What do you want?" Midoryia spat. "No need to be so defensive. I couldn't help but notice someone walking in the distance. I had to investigate, it's 3 am who would be walking in a forest at this time.
Anyways correct me if I'm wrong but you're Izuku Midoryia, that kid that died earlier today" Kurogiri said. "I WAS dead. I don't know what happened but I'm back" Midoryia replied.

"Your mouth is covered in blood, those clothes are obviously stolen, and you smell of blood. You killed someone didn't you?" Kurogiri asked. "of course I did, how else am I supposed to stay alive" Midoryia replied. "Stay alive?" Kurogiri never actually saw what Midoryia looked like before he died. He thought this was how he usually looked.

"I'll explain it later after you tell me what YOU want" Midoryia said. "Right right. Well I want you to join the League. You won't survive a day out here without a proper base not to mention you're a rookie at killing" Kurogiri offered.

"Me? Join the League...
Doesn't sound bad...
I do want revenge after all" Midoryia began to mutter. "Why would you want revenge?" Kurogiri asked. "Of course the public wouldn't know.
I'll explain that later, once we're at your base.

With that I say yes to joining your little league, but under 1 condition" Midoryia said. "What's this so called condition?".

"If I don't want to stay there I'm free to leave"

"Deal, now come with me" Kurogiri said opening Midoryia a warp gate. Midoryia followed Kurogiri into the portal into a dimly lit base. Midoryia pulled down his hoodie and looked around.

Despite it being dimly lit he could see perfectly.

"Kurogiri who is this?" Shigaraki asked, not bothering to get a better look at Midoryia. "He's the kid from UA that died earlier" .

"What?? He's clearly alive" shigaraki jumped out of his seat and turned to face Midoryia. "Right I guess it's time I explain" Midoryia said. He grabbed a seat and sat down.

"You're both not wrong. I did die earlier today. Though it was a short death cause my true quirk awakened. I'm now a vampire. Anyways because of this I live off blood.
Kurogiri earlier you asked me why I want revenge.
Well you all may have thought, oh because I have 2 hero parents and want to be a hero in the hero course that I just have a perfect life. Well it's quite the opposite. I used to be quirkless because of that everyone hated me.

I got into UA using my raw strength. Anyways, I used to get beaten up everyday at school, no one liked me, and it didn't get better at home. At home those 2 'heros' hurt me as well. The teachers didn't do anything to help either if anything all might hates me. But wow just when I go die suddenly everyone begins to care. I hate that, I'll never forgive them for what they did. I want them all to go through the same pain they put me through..." Midoryia explained. Shigaraki and Kurogiri listened with great interest as Midoryia and explained his former horrible life.

"Have you killed anyone yet?" Shigaraki asked. "I had to, how else was I supposed to eat?" Midoryia replied. "Eat???" Shigaraki hissed. "I clearly said in the beginning I transformed into a vampire did I not? I live off of blood, I tried to eat normal food but I threw up each time" Midoryia said.

"Anyways I want him to join the League" Kurogiri said. "Hmm. Considering he managed to get into UA using nothing but his own strength and he wants revenge... I'll allow it. Not to mention because of this new appearance of this quirk chances are he's stronger. You'll be a great asset" shigaraki said.

"Great! I'll show you to your room and we can get you all situated." Kurogiri said beginning to drag Midoryia into another room.

Midoryia was taken to a windowless room full of random furniture. He had 1 twin bed, 1 closet full of clothes, a desk, nice carpet, a chest full of something unknown to him yet, and he had a night stand. "We had this room prepared for any new comers to the league since we're scouting for members. Get comfortable and if you need to show there's a bathroom right here" Kurogiri said opening a door up to his room. He had a bathroom within his room.

Midoryia liked the set up. "Thank you. May I ask what time it is?" Midoryia asked. "It's 4:00am as we speak" Kurogiri said. "Oh okay. I'll be going to sleep now" Midoryia said.

"Okay" Kurogiri then left his room and shut the door.

Midoryia then went to sleep.

Midoryia, being a vampire, has assets that come with it.
Here they all are explained.

Healing- his body Immediately heals itself after being injured though he still feels the instant pain of being hurt.

Immortality- he can't die unless he's in direct sunlight, sunlight is his only weakness

Teleportation- he can teleport to different places he's already been to even before his death since he knows where the place is and how it looks like. The draw back is that he was a 10 second interval before he can teleport again.

Super speed- he can move really fast.

Super strength- his muscle strength was amplified by a lot once he backed a vampire and he can get stronger. He at least 3x stronger than he was before he died.

Shapeshift- Midoryia can change into anything he wants to, including people. Draw back- only lasts max 3 hours before he melts back into his original form.

Flight- Midoryia can turn into either a bat or a dark smoke and fly around. Or if he wants to just stay in his normal form he can do that too, he just f l o a t s around

Heighten senses- all of his senses are literally amplified.

Mirror- he can jump into mirrors. Though to other people he appears in the mirror but not actually there behind them. Draw back- he might accidentally break the mirror coming out of it.

And finally.

Telepathy- he has the ability to talk to someone in there head, the draw back with this is if he does it for over 1 minute he gets severe head aches.

These things just all came with being a vampire.
It's not as overpowered as you may think it is... Midoryia has various weaknesses, ex.

If he doesn't drink blood he can't use half of these not to mention can hardly move.


"Hello who is this?" Inko Midoryia asked as she picked up the phone.

"This is the hospital your son was hospitalized in... We have horrible news"

"What is it?"

"His body is gone"

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